Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sounds of Bela yelling downstairs. Her and my mom were probably playing on the wii. For some reason they were both obsessed with the tennis game. My sister always accusing my mom of cheating though. So it's pretty entertaining to watch. I decided to finish painting my wall today. So I got dressed, did my makeup, and ran downstairs. As I was going in the garage to get my art supplies, I heard Bela laughing in the living room. I also heard another voice. I figured it was just my mom telling Bela some of her REALLY corny jokes. Then, I saw a note on the fridge

~Dear Sam, I ran to run some errands and go to the store to grab some paint and wall decals for you to put in Bela's room walls. I'll be home around 1:30. I've put some leftover spaghetti in the fridge for you and Bela for lunch. Love you!

And Bela- Don't annoy your sister!

Love, mom~

Wait... If mom wasn't here, who was Bela playing with this morning? We haven't talked to any of the neighborhood kids and mom didn't say anything about her having someone over. Now, I was getting scared. "Bel, who are you playing with?" I said, walking over to where she was sitting in the living room. "Uhhh... Nobody!" She said "I was just... Talking to my dolly!" "Bela..." I said "yeah?" " You don't have a doll with you". Why was she lying to me? What was that little 8 year old hiding? She's never lied to me... Ever.

After I got my paint, I headed upstairs to my room. After an hour of painting, I heard my door creak. "BELAAA IS THAT YOU??" I shouted. "IM DOWNSTAIRS SAM!" I heard her yell back. I shrugged my shoulder. "Probably just the wind or something." I said to myself. BAM! My door quickly slammed shut. "UH BELA COME UP HERE NOW!" I yelled to my sister from downstairs. Everything came flying off my walls! Then, I heard a evil chuckle. Then right in my ear, I heard an evil little voice say "you can't take her away from me! SHE'S MINE!" Then just like that, everything from my room fell to the ground. After that I bolted out the store. As I got to the stairs, I guess I was running to fast and my legs fell from under me. I rolled down the stairs and landed with a big thump. "Sam!" My sister yelled sobbing "did she do this to you?!" I got up rubbing my head "Bela WHO" before I could stop her, she sprinted upstairs. "DON'T TOUCH MY SISTER EMILY!!! JUST LEAVE HER ALONE!" I heard Bela scream. I ran back up the stairs and saw her in the doorway of my room. When I went to go get her, something happened. I looked in my room, and there was nothing. Everything was in line. Nothing was out of place... And no broken glass or wood was on the floor. WHAT?! I thought. MY ROOM WAS DESTROYED! AND IT'S PERFECT NOW!

I walked in my room and sat down on my bed. "You just imagined it, Sam. It never happened. All Bela's crazy talk was just getting to you... Nothing happened" I said to myself. "Bela, I need to take a nap... I think I'm just really tired. Go watch tv downstairs and wait for mom to get home..." "But Sam!! I-" my sister started saying "BELA GO DOWNSTAIRS AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" My sister had tears welling up in her eyes. "Nonono Bela I didn't mean it I'm just really tired..." " I HATE YOU!" My sister screamed at me, then slammed the door. I buried my face in my pillow and started sobbing. Why Would I say that to my sister? That wasn't like me. Ugh I just need sleep. I eventually fell asleep watching "the boy in the striped pajamas" on my iPad.

A few hours later, my mom came In my room. "Sam sweetie, you made Bela really upset. Will you please go apologize to her?" "Ok mom" I replied. I walked downstairs to see Bela watching tv on the couch. I slouched down next to her. "Bela I'm so sorry you know I love you" I said. No response came from her. "Would it make you feel better if we played the clapping game?" I said to her. The clapping game is like Marco pollo. But instead of saying that, a blindfolded person says "clap" and the person hiding claps. As soon as I said that, Bela got up and ran. While saying "you're it!". I waited 20 seconds and I finally said "clap". I heard a loud clap coming from down the hallway. I walked down and stopped a few feet away from the hall closet. "Clap!" I said again. The clap,I heard next came from the closet. I walked over, and opened the door. "Bela I can hear you breathing silly," I said searching through the closet. Then I heard a giggle from the pantry, then I heard the pantry door open. "you lose!" I heard my sister yell from the kitchen. I quickly tore my blindfold of. If Bela was Hiding in the kitchen... Then who was in the closet...?


Thanks guys for reading my story! And thanks for the vote! This chapter has a lot in it so I hope it wasn't to overwhelming haha. Did you enjoy this chapter? Bye my little monsters ;)

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