She's Behind You, Sam

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A/N~ Hey guys! This is my first story so I would really appreciate any comments/suggestions! And no hate please :) If you see any errors, feel free to tell me! Enjoy :D

P.S. I really need a cover picture! So, if you have something in mind or you want to draw something, feel free to inbox me a picture!

"Sam! Go help your sister unpack her clothes!" I heard my mother yell. Me and my family had just moved from Florida to California. "Ok mom!" I shouted back. Bela is my 8 year old sister.As I got to the door of my sister Bela's room, I heard her talking to someone. You see, Bela has Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a disease where it's hard for a person to tell what's real and not real. So knowing that about Bela, you didn't always know if what she we saying was true or not. Ever since Bela was about 5 years old, she said that she would see ghosts. And sometimes, she wouldn't talk to them. She says that she also sees demons sometimes. But my mom and I always just ignored her, figuring it was all part of her imagination. But boy were we wrong.

"Sam, can you help me unpack my barbies?" Said Bela. "Sure squirt". Me and my sister don't really fight. Because if you get her upset, she doesn't react the way a normal person would. So I usually just try to be nice to her and help her with whatever she needs. As I was unpacking all her dolls, I noticed one beside the box that I had never seen. But when I tried picking it up, Bela yanked it away from me. "DON'T TOUCH THAT!" She yelled. What had gotten into her?? "Bela, where did you get that doll?" I asked. As she turned her head, her dark brown hair went over her face. "I found it in my room when we moved in. But the little girl doesn't like anyone else touching the doll except me. She's scared someone will take it." Little girl?? What little girl? I looked over at the doll Bela was holding. She had a death grip on it. She wasn't going to let anyone get ahold of that doll.

After finishing unpacking all Bela's things, I headed downstairs to grab my paint to start painting my room. As I walked past the kitchen, I saw my mom unpacking all the silver wear. "Mom, Bela said she found this doll in her room... She said the little girl gave it to her" My mom looked at me with a confused face, then sighed. "Honey, it's probably just one of her imaginary friends. And the last owners of the house had a little girl in Bela's room. So they must've just left in in the girls room after the accident happened and they moved away. Don't forget, your sister Schizophrenia makes it seem like imaginary things are real." My mom said to me. Wait what. What accident? "Mom, what happened to the little girl?" I asked. She wiped her hair away from her face and sat down. "Well you are 16. I guess you old enough to know. About 2 years before we bought the house, the owners 8 year old daughter wanted to go for a walk. When she didn't get back home 3 hours later, her parents decided to call the police. After a few days of searching, the police had found the girls body in a field not to far away. Her body had been mangled up and had bruises everywhere. No one really knows what happened to her. So after that, her parents decided to move away." I was shocked. I sat there frozen... I thought I was about to puke. "Oh..uh ok mom! Well I-I'm gonna g-go get my room painted!" I quickly bolted up to the room. I was so shaken up from what my mom just told me. So I decided to start painting to get my mind off of the subject. Hmmm what was I gonna paint on my wall? I was thinking like a day and night theme. Maybe I'll split the wall and do on side night and one si-. My thoughts were cut off when I heard Bela talking to someone.

I heard a little girls voice say something. I couldn't really tell what she said. "Oh Emily you're so funny!" I heard my sister say. Then I heard giggling. Ok, that was enough for,one day. I stopped painting and headed downstairs to put my art supplies away. "Hey mom?" I said as I passed her. "What was the little girls name again?". "I think it was... Emily! Yeah. Her name was Emily. After that, I ran upstairs and quickly got ready for bed. Maybe I just imagined the voices. I was probably just tired from all the unpacking. I closed my eyes and emptied my head. But just before I fell asleep, I heard 2 little girls giggling....

HEY GUYS! Did you like the first chapter??? Feel free to comment below! Hehe. Well, until next time my little freaks!

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