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Maria and her brothers had been taking English classes for years so she wasn't too worried about speaking to her classmates what she was worried about was them making fun of her accent and poor vocabulary. Maria sat in her new bedroom carefully sewing a rip in her father's shirt by hand since her machine was still in a box somewhere. She wondered what the kids in her new school would be like as she carefully stitched the thin fabric. That was the moment in which Lolo ran in screaming and sobbing "¡Franco se llevó mi ipad! ¡y mi dinosaurio cuando dije que su figura de acción parecía una muñeca!" Over and over again. "Go to mom" Maria responded in English hoping to practice the language. "¡Franco!" Maria yelled. "Give Lolo back his stuff and Lolo apologize to Franco" Maria said, trying to be the peace maker, when Franco walked in. "Si" they both said in unison with looks of disdain

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