Meet the Cast

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After some comments on my AO3, I've decided to rewrite my book. However, I didn't want to erase you guys' comments so I've chosen to add this onto the end of my story. There will be a few changes and I am planning on going more into depth of Jo's past and her relationship with Joel as I did not go into it enough.

This will be a slow process as I still have my exams and I'm currently writing two others books so please bare with me.

I'd also encourage new readers to only read my rewritten work as I find it much better lol.


Lauren Cohan as

Josephine Bridgers

'The Guardian'

'The Guardian'

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"Yeah, no. That's not gonna work for me."


Pedro Pascal as

Joel Miller

'The old man'

'The old man'

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"Repeat it."


Bella Ramsay as

Ellie Williams

'The immune'

"What you say goes

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"What you say goes."


And the rest of the cast as their respective characters
I do not own these characters, except from my oc, Jo. All rights served to HBO and the game creators.

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