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Winter had subsided, the white snow melting into puddles of water, and the blinding sun poking out from behind the clouds, letting its rays sit atop of Jo's skin, allowing her to feel a faint blanket of warmth.

Her eyes were set on Ellie's faint figure ahead. The girl's head hung low as she stared into nothingness, leaving no attention for her surroundings.

It had been like this since they found her, back in the snowy season.

Jo understood her behaviour, although, her heart ached every time she and Joel would tell a crappy joke only for silence to be found from her.

Nevertheless, the two would not give up just yet.

They currently stood side by side, shoulders softly brushing together with every small movement (most being more purposeful than accidental.)

Joel nudged Jo with his elbow, flashing a can at her before signalling to Ellie with questioning behind his eyes.

An encouraging nod caused him to shout Ellie's name.

Then, once more.

"Ellie! D'ya hear me?"

Ellie lifted her head slowly, turning to Joel with little enthusiasm as she blinked away her memories, "No... What?"

Both adults stared at her with concern but Joel tried to mask his own by lifting the food to show her, "Well, I found this in there. Beefaroni. Chef Boyardee."

Ellie attempted a smile but her flat tone suggested the happiness was fake, "Oh, cool."

Jo noticed something else in Joel's hand, taking it from him gently and pulling him to Ellie by his wrist. "Hey, you ever played this before? Boggle? It's a word game. Joel found it in that thrift store, thought you might like it."

Ellie bit her cheek, "Mm-mm."

Joel cleared his throat, rubbing his wandering fingers on Jo's arm, "Well, if you wanna beat me at somethin', it would be this."

Ellie nodded before staring down at her boots causing Joel's face to drop slightly.

Jo stopped Joel's fingers, wrapping their hands together in a tight hold and squeezing.

Joel looked down at her surprised and she used her other hand to stroke his cheek, "She'll get better eventually. But for now? You're doing one hell of a job at helping her," she whispered.

Almost melting in her touch, Joel's eyes softened, staring at Jo with hard admiration and a hint of something she couldn't quite name.

His mouth opened to reply but Jo spotted spotted something in the distance, "Is that a sign for the hospital?"

He pulled away sharply, blinking speedily as he read the rusted metal. "Yeah."

They began walking once again, Joel calling out to Ellie and informing her of Jo's find, "We're gettin' close."

Ellie continued to walk ahead as the two manoeuvred between damaged cars and overgrown vegetation, Jo focusing too hard on the girl in front to notice the large stone, in the way of her path. Her foot got caught beneath the sharp rock causing her to stumble and almost fall to the floor.

Arms wrapped around her waist, hoisting her back in her feet. She looked back at the man behind her, seeing him poorly hiding his amused smile.

With tinged cheeks, Jo pursed her lips, looking away from him with a quiet plead, "Don't."

"I didn't say anything."

Jo shook her head with a small smile, "You thought it."

A quiet chuckle emitted from Joel, and Jo turned to him with crossed arms and a playful glare, "Stop."

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