Chapter 7

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3rd POV

Everyone watches the Giant running away getting shot at. The army begins moving to follow as Dean drives right in front of the tank stopping them as he yells, "Hey. Stop! There's kids in his hands! Stop shooting!" Kent sees this and sees the General looking over as well. So he decides to walk over to Dean as he sees him as well. "Kent! He only reacts defensively. If you don't shoot, he's harmless. You gotta tell the General!" Kent then begins to point fingers at him, "This is all your fault, beatnik. If you hadn't..." Dean cuts him off, tossing his hand back down, "Would you shut up and listen? You've gotta make them stop. The giant's got the kids with him. If you tell the General that he's got his grandkid in his hand, everyone will stop shooting at them." Kent thinks for a few seconds, "I'll take care of it." Dean nods and then begins to drive off where the Giant has run off to. Kent walks up to the General and spats out, "He says the monster's killed two kids. I'm sorry to say this to you, but one of them is your granddaughter." The general looked at him shocked as he yelled out, "What?!" Kent nods, "It's true sir, we must stop it at all cost." The General's hands tighten into a fist hearing this heartbreaking news of losing his only grandchild like this as he makes a decision as he says into the phone, "Go to code red. Repeat, code, red!"

Annie had run to her car quickly reversing and spinning around as she drove off towards the direction where the Giant went as well. While driving she sees ahead the Giant running as jets fly past them as Emma looks down at the ground seeing a bus coming their way as she yells, "Look out for the bus!" The Giant moves out of the way quickly tripping, falling into the electric cables falling down a hill. He holds the kids in his hand making sure they don't fly off as he flips in the air and falls onto his but slidding down as the two hold onto each other as they see getting closer and closer to the cliff. They couldn't stop as they fell off the very tall cliff as the two yell as they suddenly notice the Giant activating something at the bottom of his feet stopping them mid air. The three looked in surprise as Hogarth and Emma asked, "You can fly?" They start flying up into the air as Hogarth yells excitedly, "You can fly!" As they fly into the sky Emma notices the Giant a bit unsteady as she then suggests, "Try pointing your arms straight ahead like Superman!" The Giant nods and poses like Superman when flying as he gets the hang of it. Out of nowhere two jets pass by them making the Giant twirl a bit as he gets back. They see another jet coming their way shooting at them as the Giant covers the kids from the bullets as he looks at the jet making his eyes red and narrow. He then shakes his head covering his eyes a bit, "No, no no!"

He just flies avoiding the jets as much as possible. He sees two behind him again as he stops and turns the other way flying in the other direction from them. The kids sigh a bit as Hogarth yells, "Man, that was close!" Emma nods, "You're right about that." But suddenly they are hit from a missile as the Giants jets malfunction making them plummeting down towards the ground. Annie sees this driving towards them as she yells, "No!" Over by Kent and the General, Kent sees this as he smiles, "Ha. Gotcha!" The Giant sees that they are going to crash as he looks at the kids and turns around ready to protect them as he crashes into the ground rolling onto the snow rapidly as he finally makes a slow stop as he breathes out sighing. The General sees this as he tells Kent, "Good call, Mansley." He then gets onto his phone, "Secure the area. Let's find out what this thing is and who sent it." They begin driving towards the Giant.

Over to the Giant he wakes up as he looks in his hands seeing the kids not there as he looks confused, "Huh?" He checks his other hand still not seeing them as he quickly sits up and sees in a distance the two laying on the snow holding each other not moving. The Giant looks at them shocked and worried as he tries to pick them up only to see them not respond as he mistakens them dead. He begins shaking sadden and not believing that they are gone. But he tries to reach for them again but pulls away believing this time they are dead as he mourns and cries getting mad at himself for not protecting the two. The troops arrived, stopping a few feet away as one soldier said, "Halt! Set your perimeter!" Another then says as they see the Giant up again, "It's still alive!" Kent stands up from his seat and yells, "Shoot at it!" The troops listen and begin to shoot at the Giant as he mourns. But he then suddenly gets angry as his eyes begin to turn red slowly and the dent on his head pops back in place as he remembers his original mission. His eyes are completely red and narrow as he stands up activating his weapons. He looks at the troops and transforms his hand into a gun shooting one of the vehicles. And then shoots another. He activates his other hand into a blaster shooting the tank as it completely evaporates.

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