chapter seven

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As Laenerys and Cregan made their way around the Kings Landing side by side each other them matching the others pace as a comfortable silence surrounded them both.

The Stark family would probably be on a tour of the castle by now which was what Laenerys had prisoner so the two of them just roamed the castle halls together looking for them.

"My princess." A sudden voice entered the ears of both of them.

"Sir Cristen what is it." She asked the knight as he let a small bow down to her.

"Alicent had just told me to fetch you. Everyone is in the Dragon keep." He said before bowing once more and exiting the scene.

"The dragon keep?" The Stark asked her confused.

"Surprisingly it's where we keep our dragons." Laenerys said as it was the most obvious thing in the world she was surprised it needed an explanation.

"That makes a lot of sense."

"Really I had no idea."She said sarcasm laced in her voice as she turned and briefly looked up at him.
Making him laugh.

After a short walk the two of them finally caught sight of white, brown and dirty blonde hair.

It was as if Cregan could sense the girls worry as he quickly looked at her before he started to speak up.

"Do not be nervous my family already adore you simply because they like your name so by the end of the day they shall praise you." He judged her shoulder slightly making her smile.

"Really my name?"

"Mhm it is true I would never dare to lie to a Princess!" He said holding his hands up in defeat.

"Laenerys we have been waiting for you." Alicent smiled over to her step daughter as she gestured for her to come towards the two families.

But it was very noticeable that the atmosphere coming from Rhaenrya and her children had changed.

"You are the girl that my grandson is to marry!" An elderly looking woman asked.

"Yes I a-"

Laenerys was then cut off by the old woman as she hugged her. Again she had received more love and hugs in her entire life on this day by two people that she hardly knew yet seemed to love her more than her own Father and family had ever.

"You are too beautiful for him." The woman said whilst realising the hug and taking a few steps back and as soon as she had stepped away from the young girl she rescued two young brown haired children.

One a boy and one a girl both had very similar features and seemed to be the same age. They were the twin Starks, Ravnir and Raya.

"Your hair is so pretty can I touch it!" The girl who she presumed was Raya asked her but before she could answer her brother spoke up.

"You can always marry me instead of Cregan."

"Are you going to be are sister?"

"Will you take us for a ride on your dragon!"

"Do you like Cregan?"

"Will you-"

The two twins bombarded Laenerys with questions to which she did not mind as it was funny watching the two small kids both speak so fast and with pure joy which made everyone else's faces light up but they were soon cut off.

"Stop attacking the poor girl with your words." A thick accent came through the voice of the man who looked to be the most regal amongst them all but still youthful. He was Ned Stark Lord of Winterfell he had a very fierce reputation.

"It is fine do not worry Lord Stark." Alicent said with a charming smile on her lips as she stared at the family.

"Laenerys!" The rather annoying voice of Ageon reached everyone's ears as he stood next to Rickon, Lord Starks second son and Cregans brother, conversing with him except Rickon looked rather uninterested and bored of the conversation. As anyone would if they were talking to Aegon.

Aegon then walked over to her and patted one hand on his sisters shoulder as her face twisted into one of disgust at his touch. It was nothing like the soft and gentle hands of Cregan who she did not no why she was comparing his hands to Cregans she still did it anyway.

"Aegon." She said while rolling her eyes a little which went unnoticed by a few including himself and Alicent so her action was not spoken off.

"So this is the brave wolf you are to marry!" He said while pointing to the Stark and smirking to himself as he knew how much Laenerys had thought about the marriage over the past few months. Aegon only wanted to rub in the pain of having to leave the Targaryen house hold. He only wanted to rub in the sadness.

"Yes I am." Cregans deep voice has cut into the conversation. He could clearly notice how much his future wife did not like Aegon so had decide to cut in to save her the trouble as he spared her a small half smile.

"We have heard many stories of your heroism I hope you treat my little sister well." Rhaenyra spoke up to talk to Cregan her eyes than landed on her Laenerys and they soften at her sister.

Laenerys had thought that her sister would be angry and mad with her forever but her eyes held genuine love and happiness as the two sisters stared into one another's orbs before Rhaenyra smiled down to her sister before turning back to the conversation.

"Of course he will treat her well! I would kill him if he ever did anything." A girl with king beautiful brown locks and matching chestnut eyes spoke from amongst them.
"I am Aris, Cregans younger sister." Aris held her hand out to Laenerys while giving her a warm smile.

"I am-"

"I know who you are I have been waiting a whole year to see my new sister!" She said rather excitedly before quickly tackling Laenerys with a hug wrapping her arms around her neck.

What was it with Starks and hugging her today? She thought to herself but returned the gesture there for adding another Stark to the short list of people who had ever shown her love in her life.

"We are going to be the best of friends." She said while breaking the hug and now holding Laenerys hand as she spoke.

Aris was a very pretty young girl who had seemed to be around the same age as herself which she liked and as she said those kind words Laenerys was glad that she would have at least one freind at Winterfell.

"I am sure we will be." Laenerys smiled back to the girl.

"Aris that is enough I am sure that we have already tired out the princess enough." Benjen Stark said to his niece.

"No it is fine."

"Well either way Laenerys are guest must be tired from their long journey so why don't you all go and rest before we eat later?" Alicent suggested to which all the Starks nodded and agreed too before some servants lead them into the castle. Cregan taking a quick glance at her before he went inside with the rest of his family.

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