chapter eighteen

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"Did you hear the new rumor's about that Targaryen girl." One very insolent handmaiden said aloud to the servant beside her.

"The one who married the young lord?"

"Of course. Apparently there marriage is very interesting."

It was rather obvious that the maid only wanted to start trouble and cause a stir at Winterfell and around the nobles.

"Do tell." The young, foolish and curious other servant replied.

"He has left her bed chambers for another woman and a whore at that." She signed, her tone like that of a snakes.

"A whore!" the other one yelled before being told to quieten down. "Is the Targaryen that disgusting."

"Well obviously so if her husband has already left her chambers after such little time."

All that could be heard through the corridors of Winterfell  were the sniggering of those two maids as they gossiped and talked about the young lady and lord.

Or they more praised Cregan and gave hatful words towards Laenerys.

Laenerys stood behind the wall next to those servants. Her back edged against it as she kept quite, a dark expression on her face.

It was late far too late for a lady to be out of there chambers but she had seen it to be in her best interests to go and see her dragon as she couldn't sleep but all of that changed as she listened to there harsh words.

She knew by coming to Winterfell some people wouldn't like her but not that even her own husband would despise her and leave her.

She thought that he was alright in fact more than alright. Laenerys actually thought he would be by her side forever but through there words it seemed that all of her future visions had changed within a few minutes.

She wasn't sad nor was she crying. She was angry. Laenerys blood was boiling with all the things that had happened while she was at Winterfell and this only added to her list of bad things.

And so worrying seconds Laenerys had stormed down the corridor straight to Cregans room.

When she burst open the door, without knocking, he was stood there by his bed.

His shirt was discarded on a chair near by and that made her freeze slightly but her anger was just too strong.

So she kept walking over to him. Her strides were long and rather pressing.

As he seemed to notice her long and angry steps he sent her a quizzical look.

"Laenerys?" His voice also made her falter as it was so warm.

And with one action, one lift of her hand she slapped him right across the face. 

His face turned to the side with impact but shortly after his face slowly turned to face her as his hands grabbed both of her arms and pushed her back so she was pinned against the door.

"I didn't know you were into that." he shot back with his signature smirk plastered onto his face and how she wanted to wipe it of his face straight away. 

Laenerys still remained as angry as ever and it was so clear in her eyes and her head what she wanted to do. She wanted to go home and be with her family or in particular with her sister, Rhaenyra.

As there gaze met one another's his eyes were no longer warm and his face held no more smirk or speck of sincerity like she had remembered, they were far more colder than before.

"What is wrong!" He shouted at her making her flinch and as he noticed he released his grip a bit and then with a sigh he released her completely and took a step back still looking deep into Laenerys eyes.

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