chapter seventeen

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It had been a few weeks since the incident and the man who had tried to force himself upon Laenerys had now been killed after endless torture.

Laenerys was not sad about it but was not happy with it either. She just didn't really care about what would become of that sick man as long as he was put away for many years.

However threats began to arise from all directions as many new things had started to occur that all became clear when Laenerys was sat with the Stark family.

"Laenerys please let me fly on your dragon with you." Raya begged for about the seventh time that day along with her brother Ravnir.

Laenerys would be lying if she said that the two youngest siblings of Cregan hadn't grown on her slightly. They were like the siblings she never had, and Rickon and Aris were close friends of hers.

She would of never even dreamt of this life back in Kings landing and that is why is made her so happy to see herself with them all.

"Ravnir, Raya that is enough go and sit down. Leave poor Naerys alone." The voice of Ned said as he entered the room with Cregan following close behind.

As soon as he entered the room his eyes darted to her and it was clear that there was a lot of tension between the pair. Neither of them had known why but in the recent weeks they had been distant and Cregan had many things that he wished to say to her but kept hidden for some reason.

"But I really want to ride a dragon!" Raya once more begged making everyone in the room laugh.

"There will be lots of time for that after you eat my dear." Elinor, the children's Mother spoke up.

"I'm sure that Naerys will take you out at some point." Aris said as she gave her little siblings a smirk. "I of course have already ridden her dragon."

"That so unfair!" Ravnir shouted as he stood up.

"Well I'm older." Aris said again as she crossed her arms.

"Actually I am." Said Rickon who adding to the conversation.

All in all the Starks little sibling 'arguments' made the family only feel more like a family. At home in Kings Landing, if that's even what she could call it, Laenerys would eat almost all of her meals alone in her room with no ones company.

"Yes but I am still the oldest of all you." Cregan then added as he walked over to Laenerys and placed a hand on her shoulder.

It was a comforting hand and she wasn't really sure why he had done it but she liked it.

Recently Cregan had been giving Laenerys a lot more space.

They no longer shared the same bed chambers after an incident were she woke up and shoved him away in a scared manner.

 When she did that Cregan thought that she was scared of him due to everything that happened and he didn't want to hurt Naerys nor did he want to have even more reason to torture the man that did this to her, for he knew that he wouldn't be able to hold back anymore if he kept on seeing his wife like this.

Cregan apologized to her and left their chambers that night and never came back to them for a few weeks now.

It truth it had made Laenerys rather upset but she  was more confused to one why he stopped sharing her chambers with her and as to why she was so upset about him growing distant. When she hardly even liked him, or so she had thought.

For every single time she saw Cregan she had a different or brand new feeling towards him and in all honesty it scared her to death.

But since the twins were begging her to take them on dragon back she had much more pressing things to attend to. Such as fulfilling the twins dreams.

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