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Wednesday pov
Location: Nevermore Quad 
"I'm in charge of this year's prom!" Enid shakes my shoulder with excitement. Prom is in 2 days, and I'm not surprised that she's the one who's responsible for the decoration stuff.
"Great, I will expect less colourful things." I moved my shoulder a bit to remove her hands. She looks really excited for this prom stuff, judging from her high-pitched voice.
"No biggie, I won't be doing extra this time," she smiled at me, showing her perfect teeth. "Sooo, I was thinking if we could do a... winter theme!" "Since Christmas is in 4 days," Enid stared at me, hoping I would approve her suggestion.
I raised my eyebrows and said, "Yeah, that's perfect," just as I was about to move around to stretch my body after sitting in one position for so long. I can see that Yoko and Eugene are whispering to each other, staring and giggling at me.
"Hey Wednesday, I'm going to go to the decorating team meeting now. See you later, okay?" Enid tapped my shoulder. I replied by nodding my head and slightly raising my eyebrows.
Just as Enid's gone, I fix my position comfortably on the bench connected to the table and am a little bit shocked to see Yoko and Eugene in front of me, smiling widely. What's with them?
"What do you want?" I asked them in a toneless voice.
Yoko nudges Eugene's shoulder. Eugene fixes his glasses with his index finger and clears his throat.
"Is there... something going on between you guys or what?" I noticed the playful tones in his voice: "We're not having a fight." I question Eugene back, confused.
"My gaydar is sensing something between you girls," Yoko smiles at me; her fangs look sharp at first glance.
I frown my eyebrows and ask, "Gaydar?" what's that?" Yoko sighed and scooted closer to the front and stared at me.
"Are you into her?" 
"Enid? Duh"
I'm still frowning my eyebrows at her as I look back and forth between Eugene and Yoko. Are they being serious right now?
"No, what makes you think that way?" I closed my books and put them in my backpack. I didn't see this one coming, and I'm not going to lie.
"It's just that your behaviour changes a lot lately when you're with her." I look at her in disbelief, and she chuckles for a moment before adding, 
"Those eyes won't lie Wednesday, lmao, I can see that you always look at her with these kinds of, uh, I don't know how to describe them, but yeah, it looks like you're in love"
I make a disgusted face and get up from my seat.
"Whatever you're analysing about me and her, stop that." I sighed and continued before walking away from them. "We're just friends, nothing more."
"Word," Eugene shrugs.
Enid pov
Location: Biology Classroom 
"Winter... I don't know about that, Enid." David (some character I made up because I don't know what character in the Wednesday series I can think of) scratches the back of his neck and stares at me.
"Why not?" "Since it's winter, I figured maybe some blue ice stuff should be the decoration here, no?" I forced a smile.
"I don't want to; I like the vampire theme more." David walks to me and continues, "Just so you know, it's not because I'm a vampire. I asked everyone in this room, and they agreed more than your idea." He smiles and sucks a few sips of blood from the blood bag.
I glanced behind his back, and Ajax mouthed "not at all" while signing his finger into the X symbol.
I know I can't say more if it's David; he's a jerk anyway.
"Okay, I'm cool with it." I smile flatly and grip my backpack straps.
"Great! We'll start the decoration tomorrow." David clapped his hands and quickly left the room after his phone rang.
I sighed and stared at the announcement board at the back of the classroom. It looks like my idea cannot be pursued again. Maybe next year, I guess.
"Hey Enid," I turn my body around, and it's Ajax. "Sorry about all that, we never really agree with David; he's the one making decisions on his own," he paused, "again."
I forced a smile and tapped his shoulder, saying, "Hey, I'm good, as long as I'm part of this team," and he smiled back and rubbed his neck.
"So yeah...I was thinking, "Do you want to go to prom with me?" He smiles awkwardly and stares at my eyes.
I did not expect that to be honest. What should I say? It's not like I don't like him; it's just that I don't know.
I froze for a long time, and he interrupted me.
"Hey, you don't have to give your answer now, okay?" I get it, it's kind of shocking that I asked you all of a sudden," he chuckles and takes a deep breath before continuing, "Whatever your decision will be, I'm cool." He smiles again and tells me he's going to fencing class. I nodded and thanked him for asking me.
After he left, I took a seat and sighed heavily, rethinking about Ajax, or is he known as my crush? I actually have no idea whether I like him in a platonic or romantic way. Besides, I kind of like someone new anyway.
Ugh, I should stop putting my hopes up. I need to go to sleep right now. It's so tiring negotiating with David.
Location: Dorm
Once I opened the dorm door, I ran into my bed and threw myself into it. I love my bed more than anything.
"You look tired today." I hear Wednesday's voice and get up to find her; she's on the floor with bunches of papers and files all around her. I'm assuming that's the evidence for her investigation stuff.
"I hate David for some reason, you know, he's always right, blah blah." I lay on my bed again while staring at the old, dusty ceiling. I can see some spider webs around the wood joint.
"David? The jock? "How can he handle the prom decoration stuff?" Wednesday questioned me, so I get up and sit in front of her.
"Yeahhhh, that's the weird thing, right?" I squint my eyes and fix my position before continuing.
"I heard some rumours that he's only in the position to convince Weems that he's changed after what happened last year."
Wednesday raised her head from looking at the files and asked, "Last year?"
"Attempt murder at one of the students here. Evidently, that student almost revealed something dangerous about him." I sighed and continued, "At least that's what I heard from my gossip chat,see that Wednesday? You'll get a tonne of drama if you join my group chat. You can-"
"I'm going to puke, not in a good way," she said, looking at her files again. I rolled my eyes and lay on the carpet.
Sometimes silence sounds like peace. I can only hear Wednesday flipping through her files and a faint bird chirping from outside.
"Yoko and Eugene being weird today," Wednesday breaks the silence by saying that phrase.
"Are they inheriting your baseball thing or what?"
"Funny," Wednesday replied in a toneless voice.
I grab my water bottle beside my drawer and start drinking the cranberry juice I made this morning, which is so delicious that I should make more.
"They said I'm into you." I chocked on my juice and coughed nonstop. What the hell?
"Dumbass,catch." Wednesday threw her handkerchief and signed me to wipe the mess off my face and sweater.
"Why would they say that?" I put my juice away and wipe my face using my Wednesday handkerchief.
"I have no idea. They're being stupid like they always are, I guess."
For some reason, I spit out something I would regret saying.
"Do you, though?" I tease her with a playful voice.
"Never. Why would I have a crush on someone like you?"
She replied in a toneless voice while organising her files in one place. My chest hurts. I hate this feeling.
"Yeah, that'll be weird if you would." I forced a laugh and got up to take my jacket. "Hey, I'm going to buy some candy. You want something?"
"Alr, I see you."
I touch my face and notice that I'm crying. What is this? Stop this feeling!
Just as I was running, I bumped into Yoko.
Yo, Enid..burp..where you going? "Are you crying?" She looks drunk as hell; it's 12 p.m., what the hell? Isn't it way too early for alcohol?
"Sorry Yoko," I ran away into the field and sat down on one of the benches beside the lake.
I told you, Enid, you set your hopes too high, I thought to myself while sobbing silently.
Someone pov
Poor little girl, don't worry. I'll be better than that stupid Wednesday.
I chuckle then walk towards her until a figure stops me.

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