Chapter 34- Monster

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While Rapunzel, Lance, and Eugene searched the kingdom for anyone who had "untapped rage," Varian and I searched every book on werewolves and mystical beasts we could find in the castle library. We even had to move to the village library since none of the books in the castle were giving us the answers we were looking for. It felt like we were fighting a losing battle until Angry and Red found and brought us the book about werewolves that Creighton brought with her to the castle. Apparently, she left it behind when Rapunzel kicked her out of the palace yesterday.

As Varian and I flip through the pages of the thick blue book, something catches my eye. "Varian, look," I say, pointing a finger at one of the pages. "It's a ritual to cure the wolf's curse!"

Varian beams as he skims the page. "Angel, this is perfect!! Once we find the werewolf, we'll be able to turn them back before the Captain can destroy them!"

I quickly mark the page before slamming the cover shut. "We need to go tell Rapunzel!"

"Let's go!!" Varian's gloved hand grabs my own, and he swiftly pulls me out the door of the library. I blush as he does so, but smile regardless; I love the way my hand fits into his.

As the two of us dash down the street in search of Rapunzel, Varian doesn't watch where he's going and crashes right into a man crossing the street. The three of us go crashing to the ground with an ugly-sounding 'thud.'

I groan and slowly try to pull myself to my feet, only to realize that I'm directly on top of Varian, our noses inches apart. I blush for the second time in two minutes as we stare into each other's eyes. I'm on my feet again within a second, and I offer a hand to Varian. Once I pull him up, Varian turns to the man he knocked over. "I'm so sorry, sir-" he begins only to be cut off.

"Watch where you're going, will ya?" He snaps while standing up. He stares at Varian with cold eyes. "Wait for a second, you're that kid who tried to take over the kingdom, aren't ya?"

Varian nervously scratches the back of his neck and doesn't make eye contact with the man. "I...uh..."

"Get outta here!! I don't know what the princess was thinking when she let ya go, but I don't want to be anywhere near a villain like you!" He sharply says. "You're a danger to us all!"

Varian winces, as though his words cut into him like daggers piercing through his skin.

I step in between the man and Varian and send him a glare. "How dare you talk to him like that!" I scold. "You don't even know him!"

The man scoffs and rolls his eyes. "I know him well enough to know of all the trouble he's caused."

"Then you'd also know how hard he's worked to try and fix his mistakes!" I growl. "Yes, he's caused trouble in the past, but haven't we all?" I roll my eyes. "But no, you think it's right to shame a teenage boy for acting out in a time of grief. You make me sick." With that, I grab Varian's hand and storm away, leaving the rude man to his own vices.

I feel myself fuming with anger as I stomp down the cobblestone road, pulling Varian behind me. Rage and sorrow swirl around my mind like the wind of a tornado until I hear Varian speak up. "He's right you know."

I stop dead in my tracks and whip my head around to face a dejected-looking Varian. I feel horrible; Varian was finally starting to forgive himself for what he's done, and then some jerk had to step in. "Var, don't say that..."

"It's true!!" He cries. "I've always been a danger! Even before the battle, my inventions were always causing trouble. Maybe you and your family forgive me, but they never will." He gestures to the people going about their day in the village. "I can try and catch werewolves, stop Saporians, and free my father, but they'll never look past what I've done." Varian crosses his arms over his chest and looks away. His blue eyes suddenly land on an old wanted poster of his that read 'Wanted: Varian...for crimes against The Kingdom of Corona.'

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