don't date that 16 yr old at 13

7 0 0

He could recall every inch of my skin
Pointing out the spots
where my bones popped through
He knew me so well
Knowing my favorite color was too much for him
But he was quick to tell me if I
gained or lost weight
He'd stutter when asked what music I listen too
But no he knew me so well
I think if I were to ask him my birthday
He'd probably stutter
drowning me with excuses
"I forget really easily"
I knew him from the inside out
But I can't tell you what I ate today
He could pick apart my body
Telling you all sorts of things about it
He couldn't tell you little details about me
But I swear he knew me so well

🔆I wrote this while I was half awake so I might redo it at some point 🔆

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