younger me would think I'm cool

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‼️CW mention of suicide, nothing goes into detail I just briefly mention it :)‼️

When I was 10, I wanted to be 12
When I was 12, I wanted to be 14
I didn't wanna grow up fast
I just wanted to be free
Away from everything
Taken seriously
Maybe I blinked
Maybe the lights flickered
But somehow now I'm 18
Suddenly I'm shocked I'm not dead
That I didn't kill myself
Like 10 year old me planned
I used to feel guilty
Like maybe I wasted my childhood
But you see no my childhood wasn't wasted
It was stolen
I was never allowed to be a kid
So how can I miss something I never had
But now I'm 18
I can hold the little girl
That resides inside of me
Reassuring her that we're free now
Telling her she can be a kid again

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