1| The Townhouse

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"Seraphina-!" Her brother yelled. "If I come down there and you're still doing your hair I swear to God I will Avada Kedevra your ass-!"

Seraphina looked down at her counter, her hair supplies all splayed out atop it. Then she looked up in the mirror. She was nearly done curling her hair. She tried to rush, but eventually heard her brother storming up the stairs.

"I knew it! You're not done! Mom said to be ready like a million years ago-" He groaned.

Seraphina winced and nodded. "I know! I'm sorry- I was busy-" She returned back to her hair, curling the last strand.

Her bother crossed his arms and looked disapprovingly at her. "Doing what? Reading those muggle books again?"

Seraphina rolled her eyes. "Calm down- it's not like Mom'll catch me. And yes. I was." She made a hmph noise and sprayed some hair spray in her hair. Brushing her curls, she looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. She grabbed a silk ribbon and put half of her hair up.

She turned to her brother and held out her arms. "So? How do I look?"

He scoffed. "Like a hag."

She rolled her eyes and grabbed her curler, which was still cooling down. "Yeah? A hag? C'mere you little shit-"

She chased after him with the still hot curler, forgetting the fact that her parents were waiting for her downstairs. They ran past the fence that looked out to the first floor, then heard a cough. Seraphina looked down and saw both of her parents looking up at them. Her brother, Casper, gulped and stood up straight.

"It was her fault!" He squeaked.

Seraphina opened her mouth in shock at the betrayal. "You're such a liar!" She goaded him. She pointed her finger at him and looked to her parents. "He rushed into the bathroom and started yelling at me." She huffed and put her hands on her waist. "It was his fault."

Her mother simply rolled her eyes and pointed at her watch. "We're going to be late. Hurry up." Seraphina nodded and walked away, sticking her tongue out at Casper. He made a mocking face, accompanied with a few grunts, mocking her. She flipped him off and returned to her bathroom.

Looking in the mirror, she sighed and put down the curler. She didn't know what they were doing today, but she could tell it was important. Usually her mother laughed at her and her brothers antics, but she was stressed. Her father usually didn't speak to her much so his behavior wasn't all that unusual.

She looked down at her outfit and nodded, she knew her mother would approve. Unbeknownst to people who weren't a part of their family, appearances were huge. They couldn't be seen with a dog hair on their coats, a stray hair, or a piece of smudged mascara. It would, as her mother said, "ruin their brand". She always thought it was useless, but didn't mind looking and smelling nice.

She brushed a stray piece of hair down and forced a fake smile. Walking down the stairs to the foyer, she smiled politely at her parents. "I'm ready!"

Her mother inspected the girl and her outfit, then smiled. "Very good Seraphina. A true Ames."

Seraphina looked to her father for approval, but he just curtly nodded. He stepped forward and inspected the gold necklace she was wearing. "24 karat?" He asked her.

She cleared her face and nodded. "Of course, Father."

He didn't acknowledge her as he stepped back next to her mother and held a blank face again.

She simply went and stood next to her mother, and interlaced her fingers with hers. Her mother gave her a warm smile, then looked up at the stairs. "What is taking Casper so long? We can't be late!"

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