2| The Butler Awaits

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It was the day that they were going to leave and Seraphina was nervous. She was used to going to new schools, but this time was different. She could tell something was off with her parents, so she was starting to regret her bet with Casper. Regardless, she trudged down the staircase to meet her parents in the foyer.

She was dressed somewhat comfortably, her hair up in a pony tail and was wearing a simple cashmere sweater with black slacks. She wore her gold necklace that she wore yesterday and sent her parents a polite smile. "I'm ready." She motioned to the house elves that followed her with her bags.

Her mother nodded at her and looked up the staircase. "Is your brother still packing?"

Seraphina shook her head. "He's done.. I don't know what's taking him so long."

Suddenly they saw Casper run down the stairs, running a comb through his hair. "I'm sorry-!" He nearly tripped but rushed down to the foyer. Gasping for air, he bent over and put his hands on his knees. "I slept in- sorry sorry sorry-"

Their mother simply rolled her eyes and waved for them to go to the car. They followed their parents and quickly sat in the car.

"Where are we going? How will we get to Scotland?" Casper and Seraphina eagerly asked them questions.

Letting the driver take the course, their mother turned to them. "We'll head to the east coast- then take a port key. After that your father and I will drop you off at the Leaky Cauldron, then we have to go take care of some business in a nearby alley. How does that sound?" Both of the kids nodded, suddenly excited by the prospect of being left alone with some money.

The car drive lugged on for a few hours until they finally arrived. They all got out of the car and followed their father, who simply waved his wand at their luggage. Somebody else would take their luggage there so it would be waiting for them. They walked out to an official looking building, made of marble and glass. It was quite the sight.

They stepped inside and saw the multiple families scrambling around. Calmly but quickly they went to the front desk where a man was looking down at a book.

He looked up and saw the legendary Theo Ames, and swallowed. "Welcome Mr. Ames, would you like to go to your room?" He simply nodded and followed the nervous doorman. Everybody else followed shortly behind, avoiding the stares that they were given. This was common anywhere they went, but they were taught to ignore and walk with grace. So that's what they did.

Behind everybody, Casper threw an especially pretty girl a wink. She blushed and held a hand up to her mouth, covering her smiling mouth. He threw a bedazzling smile at her and walked away, following his family. The girl couldn't help but swoon at the sight of the famous Ames.

They were famously powerful, but unfairly attractive. The perfectly straight and white teeth, the shiny black hair, and the famous menacing brown eyes that could command anybody, the whole family was extremely alluring. That's why Casper had an easy time catching the eyes of others. As did Seraphina, but she didn't have much experiences with boys her age.

The family followed the doorman to a mysterious door, containing an empty room with only a book in the middle. "Here's your port key. Enjoy your stay in London." He gave them a smile and quickly scurried off. Casper couldn't help but chuckle at the doormen's fear, but was distracted when his father cleared his throat.

They all looked to him and placed their hands on the book. Feeling a whirl and like their limbs were being stretched and thinned, they suddenly, but gracefully, landed on their feet in a completely different room. It was similar to the other one, but had a London sign at the top of the room.

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