3| Blazing Red Hair

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She walked down the paths, looking down at her paper. She didn't know where to find anything and was completely guessing her way through the alley. She even tried walking into random stores and asking around, but it seemed nobody wanted to help her. She sighed and looked down at her list, feeling a sense of dread fall over her. What if she wasn't able to get what she needed? 

She walked forward, not paying attention to where she was going when she suddenly bumped into somebody. Backing up, she immediately started apologizing. "Oh my god- I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention-" She looked up and saw a tall teenage boy with blazing red hair. 

He smiled down at her. "It's alright- He inspected her. "You're American?" He said, more of a statement than a question. 

She nodded and scratched the back of her neck. "What gave it away?" 

He tried to bite back a smirk and just let out a small laugh. "Your accent. And-" He looked down at her outfit. "I can just tell from your clothes." 

She looked down at her outfit. "What's wrong with with my outfit?" 

He shrugged. "It's fine. It just gets cold here- we don't see many tops that short." He motioned to her crop top. 

She just shrugged. "I didn't pack enough sweaters for London, I thought people were exaggerating when they said it was cold." She rolled her eyes and huffed. 

He chuckled. "It does quite cold-" He crossed his arms and peered down at her. "It's just British girls don't usually wear-" He didn't finish his sentence as he looked her up and down.

Ignoring his eyes on her, she kept a straight face. "Whatever. Too late to change now, screw it right?" 

He looked at her, amusement shining in his eyes. "And your name is?" He asked her. "Seraphina." He nodded and crossed his arms. "You heading to Hogwarts?" She nodded. "Yeah I'm a transfer, sixth year." 

He threw her a dazzling smile. "Me too! I mean- not that transfer part- just the sixth year.." He rambled. 

Looking down to her list, she groaned. "Who knows if I'll ever end up going though- I can't find anything I need." Suddenly feeling very comfortable with her, he snatched her list from her and peered down at it. He scoffed. 

"This is easy- follow me." He suddenly walked off, and she had to run to catch up. 

"Wait-" She yelled and tried to stop him. "You don't have to help me." 

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah I do- you're wandering around like a lost puppy. It's my moral duty to make sure you don't run into anybody else." Stopping at a bookstore with the sign that said "Flourish & Botts Bookstore", Fred looked up from the list. He motioned for her to walk in, so she did. 

Stepping into the strange bookstore, she tried to grab the list from him so she could see what books she needed. He reluctantly handed it over, peering over her shoulder as she traced the words with her fingers. "Okay- do they have textbooks here?" She asked him. 

He shrugged. "Think so- not sure. Probably" 

She raised an eyebrow at him. "Have you gotten your books yet?" 

He nodded. "My mum did. Usually my brother and I go and goof off somewhere." 

She nodded and started perusing the store. After scanning through the books, she eventually found the three textbooks she needed. She had forgotten about the strange red headed boy she met before and went to go pay. As she was handing the cashier the galleons, he suddenly appeared at her side. 

"Merlin-" He saw her pouch filled to the brim with gleaming galleons. "You're loaded!" 

She shrugged and brushed him off. "It's from my mom. She tends to overdo it." 

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