6| Train Ride

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A few days had passed, and school was starting soon. Very soon. As in, they would be taking the train today. Needless to say, Seraphina was really nervous. Even Casper saw it, because as mad at her as he was, he still attempted to comfort her. 

"If you want.." He told her. "We can sit together on the train." 

She looked at him and shrugged. "It's fine, I know you want to sit with Draco and his friends." 

Casper scoffed. "Draco is like three years younger than me- I'm fine not sitting next to him." Seraphina didn't reply and only shrugged at him. Casper rolled his eyes. "Fine- I won't sit with you." He pushed past her and climbed into the car that would drive them to the train station. 

Apparently, their parents would meet them there. The last time she saw them was when they yelled at her, then kicked them out to Leaky Cauldron. They would definitely be still mad, but hopefully still hug her goodbye. She liked to think that they loved her unconditionally, regardless of if she made a 'mistake' or not. 

And so when the time came, Seraphina was 'ready'. Her bags were packed, her suitcases full. The only thing that remained in the room was a small mound of galleons, made to tip the maids or others who walked in. It was a custom Ames practice to leave a small tip anywhere they had slept. A small reminder of their wealth. It was perhaps one of Seraphina's favorite customs of her family, a way to give back to those who had helped them. 

So she and Casper walked to the front of the Leaky Cauldron, where a taxi awaited them. Their butler showed them to their seats and waved them goodbye, probably the last time they'd see him. Seraphina slipped him a few galleons,  giving him a sly smirk as she sat down and waved him goodbye. 

Then she turned to Casper. "I'm sorry Cass... I know you're mad at me but I couldn't not help the girl." He clenched his jaw and avoided her gaze. "Okay." He mumbled, his eyes drifting to the glass of the window. She sighed, and leaned back. If this is how he was going to be, so be it. "I don't want us to be mad at each other." She grumbled, her arms crossed in front of her. 

He rolled his eyes. "I'm not mad at you... anymore." She scoffed. He narrowed his eyes and finally turned to her. "I just think that what you did was stupid." She was about to speak and defend herself when he held up his arms. "Yeah yeah I know- you saved a young girl- but what if you were the one to die? How would that affect me, mom, dad? That's what I meant about being selfish- about needing to get out of your own head. You don't realize what you mean to others Phina." He turned away from her, looking out of the window again. 

She simply frowned and put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry Cass, I didn't think about that. All I thought about in that moment was that young girl. She had her own parents, her own family, and I just couldn't not do anything when I knew I could've saved her." 

His eyes wandered over to her and he let out a sigh. "We'll never agree on this. Let's just.. not be mad at each other anymore. Deal?" 

She nodded and held out her pinky finger. "Deal." 

A small smile grew on his face as he wrapped his own finger around hers and nodded. And so for the rest of the car ride, they spent looking out of their windows and watching as the buildings went by. 

Before they knew it, they were at Kings Cross Station. "We're here." The taxi driver said, no doubt having heard their conversation from earlier. Seraphina cringed and looked over at Casper, who had a similar expression on his face. "Thanks- and uh... don't mind our conversation from earlier, yeah?" 

The driver rolled his eyes. "Teenagers.." He mumbled, and grabbed the money from Seraphina's outstretched hand. The two teenagers just grabbed their bags and walked into the station, their eyes wandering in search for their parents. 

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