9| Slick Snakes

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When the clock went off in the girls dormitory, there was an immediate brawl to turn it off. Who knew magical clocks were so determined to keep people awake? Despite their efforts to turn it off, they all had to get out of bed and remember the spell to turn it off before it would actually turn off.

By then, all the girls were wide awake and angry. "Stupid- fucking- clock-" Gaby grunted out as she kicked the clock around.

"I've never had a bigger headache- Merlin-" Angelina groaned, holding both hands to her temples.

Seraphina felt sick the more she stood up. She was incredibly hungover and lethargic. It didn't take a genius to figure out why, she was a mess yesterday, but she thought it was worth it. Though, experiencing that mind-screaming headache, she was starting to doubt it.

"Water and medicine." Liv groaned and looked in her bag. Taking out a mysterious orange pill bottle with even more mysterious white pills, she poured out enough for the group in her palm and handed each girl one. "Should help us get over it. Remind me to never let you guys drink and smoke that much again."

All the girls thanked her and slowly trudged over to their chest's of clothes to change into their uniforms.

Seraphina followed suite, not even caring about changing in front of others before she ripped the button-up that she was in last night and changed into the pleated skirt and sweater that she was assigned. Adding the Gryffindor themed tie, she put on her thick wool socks and loafers to keep her warm. She looked around to see everybody pretty much doing the same thing, and she walked into the bathroom. Working quickly to finish her makeup, she was practically slobbering at the idea of breakfast. Some warm pancakes, a few waffles, and some bacon really would ease the headache that was still pounding against her skull.

So she hurried, going through the steps of getting ready with a dash of lipgloss and scurrying to the Great Hall. Once she arrived through the doors, she saw Angelina, Sophie, and Lee all reaching and filling their plates for food. She walked over to where they were sat and took a seat next to Angelina, throwing her a polite smile before filling her plate with every food possible.

Angelina gave her a smile back, but her eyes weren't quite as kind as they were the day before. Seraphina waved it off as a result from the hangover and dug into her plate. Before long, more and more people from the group last night joined them. Fred joined them too, taking a spot next to Seraphina.

The second she saw him all the memories of their times together raced into her mind, and her eyes went wide. His plead to let him kiss her again, his small groans as he played with the clasp of her bra, and the feeling of his lips on hers.

He seemed to understand what memories were flooding through her mind because he looked to the others, muttered an excuse, and pulled her into the hallway.

"Fred." She breathed, her mind suddenly feeling as fuzzy as it felt last night. "Sera." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Judging by his face, he didn't know what to do.

"I'm new. I just got here." Seraphina blurted.

Fred raised an eyebrow but listened nonetheless. "Yes?"

"I can't be kissing friends of my dorm mates."

He raised both eyebrows in surprise and nodded. "So we're just gonna address it, cool. No beating around the bush." His voice carried a tone of slight teasing, but also a hint of seriousness.

"Don't get me wrong- I liked it- but it can't happen again."

"Oh? May I ask why?"

"Cuz I just got here!" Seraphina huffed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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