5| Saving Grace

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Her father quickly rushed the family back to the tent. "Get your stuff, we're not staying here tonight." Seraphina and Casper gave each other a look. "What? I thought you said-" "Doesn't matter. Get your stuff, we need to leave." 

Casper nodded and went off to his room. Seraphina did the same, but heard explosions in the distance. "What's that noise?" Her father snapped. "What did I say Seraphina? Go- now." She immediately nodded and walked off to her room, packing all of her stuff quickly. Fortunately, she had barely unpacked so there wasn't much to unpack. She brought all of her suitcases to the living room, where a house elf grabbed her bags and apparated away. 

The sounds of explosions got louder, and she curiously stepped outside. Her parents, too busy packing their own stuff away, didn't notice as she walked outside. Seraphina immediately smelled the smoke, and looked in the distance. 

She saw burning tents, people scrambling. "What the-" She grabbed her wand out of her boot and walked forward, forgetting her tent behind her. As she walked closer to the many tents, she saw people starting to run into the forests. "Death eaters!" She heard someone yell. 

She walked closer to the explosions, and started to walk in the crowds. People were running into her, pushing her around. "Run!" She heard another person yell. She suddenly saw someone in a dark mask take out his wand and yell a spell, burning down another tent. 

Her eyes widened as she stepped back, now understanding what people were running from. Someone suddenly ran into her back and pushed her on the ground, scurrying past her. She let out a pained cry and tried to stand up again, but felt another person push down and past her. She was forced back on the ground, but she pushed herself up. She started to run with the crowd, into the forest. She heard a young girl's scream, and whipped her head back. 

She saw the death eater approach a younger girl, maybe 8 or 9, wand in hand. The younger girl let out a scream as she tried to run away, but had ropes wrapped around her legs, presumably from a spell. Without a second of hesitation, she ran back and held her wand up. "Expelliarmus!" She yelled at the death eater, making the wand fly out of his hand. 

His head snapped to her and noticeably stepped back. He was about to run for his wand when she yelled, "Confringo!" He immediately was blasted back onto the ground. 

Seraphina ran to the young girl and forced the ropes off of her legs. "Come- we'll find your parents." The young girl nodded and stood up. Seraphina grabbed her hand and led her towards the forest, looking back to make sure no other death eaters were following them. 

They finally made it to the forest, where Seraphina caught her breath. She looked at the young girl. "What's your name?" She asked her. The girl sniffled. "Grace.." She mumbled. 

Seraphina gave her a comforting smile. "Hey, my name is Seraphina! My nickname is basically your name. We're practically twins." The girl nodded, a small smile forming on her face. "Now do you know where your parents went?" She shook her head. Seraphina's mind was racing. "Okay, what are their names?" "Chloe and Ryan.." She mumbled. "Okay, let's go find them okay? Come on." She squeezed the young girls hand and walked through the forest, keeping the girl behind her. 

She walked through the large forest, no idea where to start. She heard a branch crack and she whipped her wand out. Suddenly a tall redhead boy walked out. Seraphina sighed with relief. "Thank god-" She lowered her wand. 

Fred saw her and felt his breath catch in his throat. "Seraphina?" He rushed to her, then saw the girl behind her. "Who's this?" 

"I'm Grace.." The girl mumbled, hiding behind Seraphina's leg. "Nice to meet you Grace" He looked at Seraphina. "Are you okay?" His hand grabbed onto her shoulder, and eyes looked her up and down, hoping not to see any injuries. She nodded. "I'm fine. Have you seen a couple looking for their daughter? Names Chloe and Ryan." 

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