4| I Told You So

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Seraphina opened her eyes, not expecting the bright sunlight that fled in. "What the-" She sat up and rubbed her eyes, then saw Casper not in his bed. "Casper?" She called out. 

"In the bathroom!" She heard him yell. Reluctantly getting out of bed, Seraphina saw a small letter on the floor in front of the door. 

"We have mail?" She said out loud. "From who?" Casper yelled out from the bathroom. She picked it up and saw the familiar Ames cardstock. She climbed back on her bed and opened it. 

Dear Seraphina and Casper,

Your father and I were offered tickets to the Quidditch World Cup Finals. You two are both  to come. We have instructed your caretaker to take you there at 5 pm tonight. We will meet you an hour before the game. Bring a jacket.



"Casper!" Seraphina yelled as a smile grew on her face. He stepped out of the bathroom, his hair dripping wet. "Yeah?" Seraphina excitedly walked over and showed him the paper. "Guess where we're going." 

He read the letter, his own smile growing. "No way." He let out a laugh and looked up at Seraphina. "No way! It's Bulgaria and Ireland right?" 

Seraphina nodded. "I think so. Shame the U.S. didn't make it." He shrugged. "Whatever- we're going to the World Cup! I'm rooting for Bulgaria. Krum is such a badass." 

She scoffed. "No way, Irelands chasers are way better. I may not know much-" Casper scoffed and crossed his arms. Seraphina pushed him away. "About Quidditch but I know Bulgaria is going down-" She teased him. 

He rolled his eyes. "I guess we'll see tonight." She nodded, and a moment passed. "It's tonight, that's soon." He let out an exhale and nodded. "Sounds just like Mom and Dad, always last minute plans. It's fine-" 

He looked at Seraphina. "It'll be fun. We should get ready soon, go shower." He waved his hand in front of his nose. "You need it." She scoffed and shoved past him. "Go die in a hole." 

He walked to his bed and fell on it. "I'll only die if you don't shower soon. Troll looking-" He heard her shut the door roughly and turn on the shower. Laughing to himself, he opened a book and started reading.

A few hours later, they had gotten breakfast and were anxiously waiting for their butler to come. It was 3:50 p.m, 10 minutes before they were supposed to meet their parents before the match. A bet formed between the two siblings. 

Both rooting for opposite teams, whoevers team won owed the other a favor. Favors in the Ames family were very valuable, more valuable to money. They all had money, it was favors they wanted. That's why both siblings were very determined to show off their pride. 

Adorned with the Irish flag on her cheek, Seraphina couldn't help but get excited for the game. Seraphina wasn't extremely interested in Quidditch, but the World Cup was something else. It was thrilling, exciting, regardless of if you played it or not. She could look outside and see the frenzies of crowds forming around the various stores, trying anything to get any kind of food or drinks prepared for the game tonight. Not everybody had gotten tickets and were stuck to watching the games in bars or at home with the allusionment charms that displayed the game. 

Casper had taken it upon himself to drench himself in the Bulgarian red, wearing one of the Krum jerseys he bought that morning. "You should buy a jersey." He told her as he put his wand in his boot. "I'll buy one there. I'm sure the nearest Quidditch store is all out." She put her her hair up. 

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