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" Miss Araneta. " Doctor Edwards called Livy when she enters the examination room

" Hello Doc! Can we know if my niece is already able to get her eyesight back? "

" Tita Aimee... " Livy warned her aunt

" I'm sorry, I'm just excited Ate Livy. " Aimee giggles

" So, let me check you up now. I see that everything is alright and you're in a perfect shape to undergo the surgery today. " Doctor Edwards smiled

" Anyways Doctor Edwards, How long does she need to rest after surgery? " Aimee asked

" Avoid vigorous exercise and heavy lifting during the first few weeks after surgery. She should take at least three to four weeks off. "

Third Person PoV

" Okay. Thank Y— " Aimee was stunned when a doctor entered the examination room

" Doctor Edwards, there has just been a vehicle accident. And the accident included the ambulance from U.N.O.S. " the Doctor said and left

" Oh, No. " that was all Doctor Edwards said and she looks at her patient

" What does that mean? " Livy asked

" I still don't know the full details yet, but I will find out myself. " She immediately left and learned what had happened.


" Where's my patient's eyes from U.N.O.S ?"

" It's in the hands of Doctor Vida right now. " a nurse told her and she rushed to where her colleague is

The door opened before she could walk through it, and a worried Doctor Vida came out.

" Vida, what's the status of the eyes? " Doctor Vida just looked at her and shook her head

" No. No, no, no, no. " Doctor Edwards said in frustrations

" I'm really sorry. It was really ruptured. Come on, I will come with you to talk to the family. " Vida said

They're on their way to the patient to tell them what happened to the eyes that were supposed to be Livy's new hope. Before they got there, Doctor Vida received a call from her mother and excused herself. And as expected, Livy didn't take it too well and everyone saw how painful it was for her.

" I'm really really sorry for what happened. I didn't expect the collision to happen. " Doctor Edwards apologized to Livy and Aimee

" It's okay. Maybe I'm not really meant to see again. " Livy bitterly said

" Ate Livy.. It's not like that. " Aimee

" We can still find you a new donor. We will still be able to fix your eyes. " Doctor Edwards said

" How long? " Livy said

" Excuse me? "

" How long till I get a new pair of eyes to see? " Livy added

" I can't answer that now but I'll call UNOS again. "

" Is there really nothing else you can do to help my niece see and be perfectly alright again? " Aimee asked

" There's still one option but because of Olivia's condition, we can't risk it for her. " the doctor told them

" Tita, I need some air. Gusto kong pumunta sa rooftop. " Livy asked her Tita and Aimee immediately obeyed her niece and brought her up to the Hospital's Roof Deck.

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