The Truth Comes Out

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        After at least a few good months of so now, Zenon, Nova & Aria have called all the asgardians to the tower fir a little meeting. Didn't matter if they where villains, heroes, antiheroes, or anything else, they where all brought there.
      ".... Sooo...." Meredith broke the silence. Why exactly have we all been called?" She gave Zenon a quizzical look.
       "Alright, so, you see.." he began. "We initially came here to meet you all, before deciding to tell the truth about why we actually came. We thought it would be best you guys got to meet us as ourselves, and not the awkward label we will surely receive later today"
        "Our mother has gone to meet with Odin today, so we though its best we break the new the same time she would be doing so" Nova nodded
       "Just get on with it before i blurt it out instead!" Aria whined from how they where dragging it out.
        "Okay! Okay... so as most of you know, our papers stated we're half asgardian, half angel. Our mother's birth name is Aldrif Odinsdottir." Zenon sighed
         "...Lets reqind a second, you don't mean?..." Meredith paused.
          "I already have enough cousins!...." Lily whined
           "That... honestly explains a lot, actually... hm...." Jesse was a bit stunned
          "Oh shit, i have a chapter to unpublish" starla looked away.
           "Thats seriously your reaction?" Helios gave her a look.
            "I do not support incest."
            Pandora laughed a bit to herself at starla's comment. "So i've been arguing with ny cousin this whole time?"
              Aria nodded.
              Trixie and Inferno where a bit unfazed.
              "Yes, we are your cousins. We didn't want Odin introducing us as such and it being an awkward introduction, so we chose for you to know us first before we told any of you." Nova sighed.
            "I just hope you wont be too upset with us for keeping this secret up until now" Zenon sighed as well.

Private Avengers Rp with Shyla whatever she's got on her name this monthWhere stories live. Discover now