Hail Hydra

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          First it started with Carol. She'd wake up most nights from nightmares from the time she was back with in the ranks of Hydra. She'd then go. To Adam's room and curl up with him the rest of the night. It got to the point she was just going to bed with him since she knew she'd just end up there at some point in the middle of the night. After a week, the same began happening to Zach. After the first night Mona elected to stay with him, worried about how he would handle it. Jasmine never had anything happen to her, so she didn't have any of these nightmares. Isabella & Tommy on the other hand, may have had some depending on how involved they where with Hydra. It all came ahead to another week later when a Hydra Attack occurred. When the dust settled, a few people where missing. Hydra came and claimed a few people, all seemingly strategic.
          Upon first glance, nobody could find Jasmine. Carol was trying to keep herself calm, but inside she was clearly tearing herself apart. Dante looked like he was shit in the heart, since he swore she was just at his side and began blaming himself for her being gone. Genesis began to panic, finding a glove on the ground, and it was one of Mona's gloves. Mona is very particular with her gloves, and finding them on the ground either means she dropped the in battle, or she was gone, because the other 90% of the time, she only ever wears gloves. With a quick sweep, it was confirmed she was gone when the second glove was found, and Her jacket. Things got worse when Neither Taylor or Alanie regrouped, and they where also determined to be gone. Gene was trying to conceal his rage, but it was evident he was going to end someone. Nikita was also gone, so she couldn't be sent to collect them like she'd sometimes do. It seemed like more people where missing, but nobody could put their finger on it.
          Then those taken awoke, they where in power dampening cells at hydra. They where each next ti each other in adjacent cells, where they could speak to one another, but their powers where useless. Jasmine, Ramona, Alanie, Taylor, & Nikita where there, along with a few more surprising faces. In two other cells, where Isabella & Carla, which was odd, since they weren't at the fight.

          "Rise and shine girls, we've got a long day ahead of us." A voice spoke
          "Who the hell do you think you are???" Ramona Snapped.
          "Don't be such a Rabid dog." Donovan walked into view. "I'm just doing my job. Grabbed two more a day earlier, I don't think they've noticed those two villains gone just yet."
          "What is the meaning of this?" Nikita Snarled.
          "Well I need the. First batch of new recruits, and you ladies fit the bill. I also knew your partners and siblings would come running for you, so I didn't have to do much work to get some of our prized hydra operatives back home."
          "This whole time, You've really been this way..." Carla slowly looked over at him.
          "Your siblings don't even know you where with the villains to begin with, Carly, even if Adam comes to collect these two, he won't notice you. Besides... I'm still a hydra agent, I was sent to infultrate your base. I wasn't here to make friends, just like Carol & Zach.  The difference is, you tampered with their minds to turn them disloyal to the cause, I'm just setting the record strait."
           "Is that supposed to make me want to join?"
           "If it doesn't, I'll just be sending you in the transport later."
           "What is that supposed to mean?" Mona growled
           "Made a deal with the Red Room, they'll Get Nikita back in exchange for recourses."
           "She's from the red room??" Carla froze
            Nikita was silent, she sunk back and seemed to be having a panic attack at the idea of going back there.
           "Have fun Girls" Donovan smiled and walked off.
           "... What are we going to do..." Mona whimpered.

           "... they won't even notice I'm gone. nobody is coming for me..." Jayne was out of view in the last Cell on the block, leaning against the back wall, whispering to herself. Her own boyfriend turned her in.

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