Finding the Hierarchy

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Taking a detour from the main white knight plot for a moment, we will return to that conflict on Europa soon

Lately both groups have been getting new recruits. It feels fitting for how many years the teams have been established, though maybe a bit overcrowded. On the hero's side, they as per usual gained a handful of heroes, mainly a wave of younger boys, the most horrifying group to join- preteens. Finally Inferno seems to have friends, since Tanner & Davonte where too caught up with their girlfriends to notice, alongside all the other guys his age, which there weren't many of, unlike the ungodly amount of girls. They where already giving Noah a headache since his little brother, Dante, is very good friends with Kensington, who by all means is one of the stupidest people alive. Dune waved everyone off, being there out of obligation. Cade was the voice of reason Ken does not listen too, and Dante is too gullible, going along with whatever ken thought. Adonis was very nervous and reserved, unsure of his place due to the amount of ice users already in the Frey. Archie kept trying to sneak out of Leo's supervision any moment he got, because like Adam, Leo is a very protective older brother. Of course we've also got Amoretta & Kaia who joined too, but I cannot comment on how they're adjusting in. Paxton on the other hand is staying as far away from Kensington as he can, because once that kid fights out he's got the Ebony blade.... Dear lord he's going to be asking to Duel every five minutes.
On the Villains side, yes, it was indeed a shock to learn Gene had a younger brother, since the loner he is never talks about his family. Bennett, the other banner kid, decided to follow in Bobby's footsteps and join the villains, and Maxwell followed to the dismay of Kaia. Hunter already wanted to throw his hands up and leave upon Rivera & Koen showing up at the front door, his cousins being a handful of energy. There was also Midas, which everyone braced upon learning he's the cousin of the demon twins, since flame and thunder absolutely have a reputation of chaos. Zavala, is just kinda there, he doesn't talk too much.

Two plots, two comment threads.

The villains, bless their souls. Are just... trying to establish their hierarchy. We've got people like Owen attempting to call the shots, while Mesmira is just pushing for Raids. It's funny how far they've come, from in the beginning Will being the leader, to it shifting to Tesseran later on as the team grew. Many have join and attempted to usurp power COUGHCOUGHMESMIRACOUGHCOUGH to those who just decided to fall in line. The amount of relationships developing was noticeable, Mesmira really pushing for villains to remain with villains and stop dating heroes. She gave up on fighting the predicting hero villain relationships, she just doesn't want people to be conflicted anymore. Nobody knows what her deal with Elissa is, I doubt the pair even know either.
Their conflict today was Owen's failed attack. He got to lead a raid today, since he desperately wanted to do something to feel important. It didn't go well, they got thwarted by some of the heroes, and they're back. Mesmira desperately wanted to laugh at him for it, but shut up as soon as Elissa gave her a look. Owen was now in a bad mood, and those who went with him where down about it.
"You're bleeding." Eden simply stated, as Owen turned him away
"Not important..." Owen brushed him off
Ace just sighed and collected the bandages from Eden to deal with his brother, shaking his head. "He's just like that... I'll deal with it. Kanna, enough"
Kanna was indeed laughing at Owen again. She is the definition of a thirteen year old girl.

The heroes, what are they up to?

         Riley saw this opportunity. Theres finally enough kids for her to pair up. Shes already planning relationships. While shes causing chaos in her corner, Kensington is just driving Noah insane with his dumb ideas, because Dante follows along, and neither listen to cade. Other than that, everyone is fine, its a normal day, people are just doing their things. Paxton of course is isolated from everyone else, not much of a people person, and it appears Dune is doing the same. They're mainly trying to get everyone settled in, and get the kids in line to start training and going on missions- they're just making friends first, Riley hoping with the girls.

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