Chapter two

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I'm rushing around in my bedroom like usual trying my hardest to find the perfect outfit for tonight. We're going to a brand new club in town that's just opened. Well in fact the opening is tonight. I need to look my absolute best. I finally find the perfect outfit for the occasion. Just screams my name over a thousand times...

  Just screams my name over a thousand times

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With my outfit finally on and looking fire... I head outside my house to grab a taxi meeting my gang nearing the entrance to the club. My head is currently fuzzy as I've had a whole bottle of vodka before I even exited my house brutal I know, of course I mixed it with lemonade, it would be non human to drink it straight. Pre drinks are always the way. We all head inside the club. The lights are sooo bright the music is on beat I sway my hips as we travel towards the bar grabbing some shots, tequila to be true. Also some vodkas triples with a slash of lemonade no ice though it waters it down.

 Also some vodkas triples with a slash of lemonade no ice though it waters it down

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Emily&Bea above my girls

I grab Emily's hand dragging her towards the dance floor to dance of course. It's amazing in here, so many different floors and such a choice in music too. We down our drinks then started grinding against eachother, shaking what our mamas gave us. Searching the crowd for potential of course at all times.

Throughout the night or the little time I feel like I've been here it feels as though I'm being watched constantly it's making me on edge. I've never felt so uncomfortable in my life, things don't normally bother me or effect me, but this is making me uneasy. I tap Ems shoulder and tell I'm just heading to the ladies for her not too move. I'm not going to let it ruin my night one bit... trying my hardest to shrug the uneasy feeling off I go ahead.

"Em I'm off to the toilet, please do not move from this spot. If you do text me where you're at."

"Sure girl, be safe"

She gives me a smile, I head off in the opposite direction looking for the ladies rooms. I end up falling over in the process but managed to correct myself and walk on again stupid fucking heels. I finally enter the toilets releasing a sigh of relief, I feel safe for now. Unsure how long that will last for, I take a deep breath and try to relax.

Emily is my top friend out of the lot, she's always had my back since day dot. Me the same with her.
Once I finish up in the toilet I top my lipstick up heading back out to find Em, also rest of the gang. Soon as I exit the toilets I feel like there is eyes on me once again, I try to shake the feeling off heading back to the dance floor. Feeling extremely uneasy...

I finally reach the dance floor safely starting to dance again with my friends. We all ran out of drinks so I decide to head towards the bar again for a top up I end up ordering the same before. I go to whip my card out when the bar staff tell me it's already been paid for... ay? Signalling his hand to stop me tapping my card on the machine in-front.

"No need Mam, it's all been paid for"

I stand there in shock... so many things go through my mind.. this night just gets stranger by the second.

"Can I ask by whom paid for my drinks? I don't know anyone in the club apart from my mates?"

"The boss"

Wtaf. First thing I think... who is the boss and why is he buying a 19 year old girl drinks?!

I hesitate for a moment and respond.

"Ok, thanks"

I head away from the bar... confused as ever.

"Em, I'm going to drink these and head home. I'm really not feeling the night anymore. I will grab a taxi, text you when I get home safely"

I smile sweetly, I don't want to ruin anyone's night.

"Ok El, make sure you do. love youuuuu"

With that I take the first exit out of the building that I see. I'm feeling so uneasy it's scary.... I'm struggling to keep a clear visions...

Then all of a sudden...

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