Chapter six

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In exactly one day I will be marrying this man

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In exactly one day I will be marrying this man. This man that's trying to control my whole life trying to pretend to everyone that I love him and that I'm the perfect wife. When in fact I'm the complete opposite. They say the night of my wedding we will consume the marriage meaning we will have sex and try for a child. To help him keep his business going. That I still need to work out. I don't have a single scooby what he does for work.

The party is a massive blur for me. People come also go talking to Luca smiling at me, like I don't exist. Not once has Luca allowed me to leave his side to even grab a glass of wine. Is he afraid I will shag the first man in sight or disappear? I could never his men are always watching us. Their eyes always burning holes in the back of my head.

"Luca, I need the ladies room. Please may I be excused"

He looks at me from head to toe, inspecting me. He finally grips my hand walks away taking me in tow. When we finally arrive at the toilets.

"I will be waiting right outside. Hurry"

Great. Can't even piss on my own. So many thoughts going around in my brain.

Wait, hang on a minute...There is a door... I slowly check it making sure it's not alarmed you never know around here. I push it forward its open. I step outside into the cool evening breeze, fuck this feels good. I follow the path round which leads to a balcony looking place, facing the beautiful sea ahead. I lean over just enjoying the view breathing in fresh air. I don't plan on running not tonight anyways.

That will come soon, I'm sure of it... just got to hang on a little bit longer surely.

"So free, so beautiful. Life sucks"

I whisper to myself.

In the next moment I feel a arm is wrap around my waist cupping me tightly

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In the next moment I feel a arm is wrap around my waist cupping me tightly. I know who this is which only means I'm in deep fucking shit. I'm suddenly turned around to face Luca, his face looks so soft surprisingly gentle too. I'm confused very confused right now I thought he would of been angry i escaped his gasp. Maybe he isn't... or he knows I wouldn't dare to run.

"Marisela, you shouldn't be running off like this. You know the rules. Stay with me"

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