Chapter ten

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Wooohoo. We've finally hit chapter ten. Thank you for your ongoing support by reading my stories. It means a lot to me.

Also if you could give my other stories a read to that wouldn't be muchly appreciated.

Also if you could give my other stories a read to that wouldn't be muchly appreciated

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I knew he was standing behind me, any normal person would sense someone there

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I knew he was standing behind me, any normal person would sense someone there. I choose to ignore his presence. I was still angry about the night before. Nothing was going to snap me out of the awful mood that I was in. I just wanted to chill with my mates. He let me go the day so what was the night going to do any harm?! I'm confused angry, upset every emotion is going through me right now.

All of a sudden he grabbed me around my waist. The only thing I wanted to do was unlatch him, he was too close to me, like leech. I wanted to run away far as I could. I didn't want him near me, anyone for that matter. I wanted my own personal space. I sighed it's all I could mange without going ape shit at him if I'm totally honest. I wanted to punch, kick scream. Obviously I didn't.

He leaned in close to my neck, nuzzling me. Yuck.

"I'm sorry for the way I dealt with the situation last night, you tested me"

I laugh. Tested him, I was clearly enjoying my life like any girl my age should be.

"I never tested you Luca. I was simply doing what any girl my age would do!"

He looked so confused, taking a moment to gather his thoughts and then he replied fast...

"You're married now, there is expectations of you. You're to be a mother. You can't go seen to be drinking out of hours not telling people where you are"

I gritted my teeth replying sharply. Too sharply...

"Fine, it won't happen again any time soon"

I knew I pissed him off with that reply, but in all honesty I didn't give two shit. You're only young once so you should grab life by the balls and let every second count. So that's exactly what I will be doing.

Fuck him and his rules, I was only just getting started. He's in for hell of a ride.

I pulled myself away from the balcony heading into the kitchen to grab myself an iced coffee Carmel to be exact. My favourite. Placing myself on the kitchen stall still glancing out of the glass doors watching the sea flow so gently. Only bonus living here is the views also having a beach on our doorstep, well Lucas doorstep. I could never call this place home, just doesn't sit right with me. I don't have a home anymore to think of it. Sad I know.

"Ma, Luca would like you in his office. When you can?"

Fuck sake. I can't even get five minutes to enjoy a drink or a view without being needed by his presence. Starting to drain me. I jumped off the stall heading up the stairs towards his office door. I take a step forward knocking waiting for a reply to be granted permission to enter.

"Come in"

I opened the door walking straight in scanning the room. It smelt like old spice, the body wash. Google it if you don't know what I mean. It's so strong I had to hold back a sneeze. He was gesturing me to take a seat on the other side of his desk, which I headed to sitting myself down and crossing my legs along with the other.

His office isn't how I thought it would of looked

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His office isn't how I thought it would of looked. I had images of it being modern with the latest furnishings and what you have it. How wrong I was, it was completely old fashioned. Surprised there wasn't any dust anywhere if I'm totally honest. Old men... that's what it screamed to me.

I sat looking around when he suddenly caught my attention. I jolted a little to deep in thought I thought he was even in front of me. Silly old Ella.

"Ella, I need you to produce a pregnancy test for me and the doctor. It shouldn't take you too long. I get the doctor to send it to our room where you can take it"

Hm. Nope ok... was sooner than I expect. Of course we've had sex but surely it wouldn't of worked that quick?! We had it four times or maybe more fuck, how the sex is good but he isn't... Still makes me cringe from this day forward.

"You just can't leave me alone for five minutes can you? Have you ever thought about modernising this place? It's terribly old"

He just glared at me. Of course I didn't answer what he was firstly applying to me, oh and of course I wasn't going to neither...

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