Chapter twenty two

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I leave Ella laying on the bed peacefully sleeping for now

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I leave Ella laying on the bed peacefully sleeping for now. It's been a few hours and I haven't heard nothing from her nor even a peep. Maybe the sedation I poped into her IV worked. She been out for a while now whilst I can start to set certain plans in place.

I need to meet with mother my right hand man also the doctor. I can't have her risking her life like this especially my unborn child. A idea comes a light, I quickly send off an email to inform those that need to know to draw up a contract.

I start to stir, slowly fluttering my eyes open taking in my surroundings

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I start to stir, slowly fluttering my eyes open taking in my surroundings. I slowly pull myself up resting my back against the headboard of the bed, the silk sheets feeling so smooth and comforting over my bare legs.

I rest my hand onto my baby bump rubbing small circles around in motion, just appreciating the silence for now, me myself , my bump. If only it could always be like this.

All of a sudden there is a load of noises as if it's outside the door of the room. I try to ignore it but gets louder and closer. Very suddenly.

"She will fucking sign it son, if she knows what's best for here"

"Just fucking calm down. I've got to fucking tread carefully here. She's already had one psychotic episode I don't want another and risking it all"

"Fine fine, but you make sure she signs it by the end of the day"

The screaming of them makes my head pound even louder like someone is clanking saucepans right into my eardrums. I just want to scream back telling them to shut the fuck up. Then it hits me they're on about signing something... fuck no.

Soon as I start to think and letting my thoughts get the better of me the door burst open. Looking up I connect eyes with him, my husband Luca. Not far behind him is his mother. I look away instantly, pulling the cover closer to my face I don't want to see them right now. I was enjoying this time alone without any interruptions.

Luca heads towards me with his mother leaning against the wall near the door with her hands firmly placed on her hips. I can sense her eyes burning into my skull. Not turning away for even a small second.

All of a sudden he speaks... the devil.

"I see you're finally awake. I've got something I need to discuss with you"

I completely ignore him pulling the covers up further and further hoping he would just fade away and this be a bloody dream. How wrong could I be. Nothing is ever a dream in this world of his. Just one big living nightmare.

"Are you willing to cooperate with me dear?"

"Yes I will cooperate with you"

"Right that's settled then, I need you to sit up look at me whilst I'm saying all of this, you also need to understand that this is the best for you also my child"

"Go ahead I'm listening"

"I've drawn up a contract that I think will benefit all of us"

Right where is he going with this, I'm confused what sort of contract I'm already married to the psycho twat. Then he speaks once again...

"This contract states what I'm about to say. This will be for the foreseeable"

Hmmm just say it already...
He sighs and finally spits it out.

"I've written this contract to clear a few things up and to ensure the safety of my child and heir. As seen recently you're not a well women therefore a risk to my unborn child. Therefore I see this necessary, as of from now the child will be in my full custody. Yes you're the mother and that will never be taken away from you, no one will replace you neither. You will have two people with you at all times while attending to my child which shall be a maid/nanny also a guard. I've already drawn up additional notes onto the end of the contract such as I have full control over your life now, power of attorney, your next of kin. It's been proven you cannot be trusted on your own and will need full around the clock supervision"

I sat in complete silence. He's just read my final rights, that's how it feels anyways. He's literally just stripped my whole life away from me, my freedom my chance to live my life at all. Even to care for my own child. I will never be able to sit there and just have one on one time with my baby. I will never be alone again. Might as well put me in a cell and throw away the key.

"Did you hear me Marisela?"

"I heard you, loud and clear. I'm incapable of caring for myself and this child"

"I'm glad that it's clear, now please sign below. This is for the best"

I can still sense his mother glaring down at me.. I wonder when does this full supervision starts? Then I just blurt it out.

"Erm, when does this full supervision start?"

He hands me the papers and takes my hand into his, slowly smoothing his hand over my engagement ring , wedding ring.

"It will start at midnight, I will be spending time with you until then. Now sign"

I grab the pen and print my name followed by a signature....

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