Chapter 1

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I could feel Pedri's stare piercing through my head. I looked up so that our eyes met thinking once he realized I could feel him looking at me he would turn his attention elsewhere. He didn't. His eyes met mine and he stared at me almost daringly. Daring me to say something in that moment and cause everyone to turn their attention to us.

- What do you think, Sara? - asked Gavi as we sat outside of the auditorium waiting for our movie to start. I smiled - Sounds great-

It had caught me by surprise when Gavi mentioned Pedri was joining the group despite not having a date. Now I wished he had not came along because the night had just started but he was already making me feel uncomfortable. At least Gavi was completely oblivious to Pedri's focus on us.

I had met Pedri before Gavi, a few months before at my friend Val's birthday party. Apart from some back and forth flirting, and a heated make out session after he offered to take me home from the party, nothing else had happened. He raised my hopes up when he asked Val for my phone number the following day but completely crushed them when he would go silent for weeks only to come back with one liner messages. Despite being attracted to him I knew better. A few weeks into whatever it was that we had I chose to step away from him. I knew Pedri was extremely invested in his career and this would only result in getting my heart broken.

Gavi came into my life a few months later, two weeks ago to be exact. And he went all in. That night before either of us left the event we were at he asked for my phone number and now here we were on our first unofficial date.


The following afternoon as I was leaving uni walking towards the metro I heard a honk behind me. As I turned around I was met with a green mini cooper. It was him, Pedri. I bent down and leaned into his passenger window.

- Hola. -
- Going home? - he asked.

- Yeah. -
- Jump in, I'll take you. It's on the way. -

I sat in Pedri's car while feeling the tension in the air. It gave me butterflies to just sit there and remember the night that we made out. The way his cologne smelled, the way his hands felt around my body, and the way his lips felt around mine. His cologne lingered in the car but there was no longer trace of that man who had stolen my heart months back.

- Did you like the movie? - I asked as a way to break the ice.
- I did, you? - He asked while keeping his eyes fixed on the road ahead.
- It was good. - I smiled and looked over at him trying to find a sense of what was going through his mind in that moment.

It took Pedri less than a second to respond

- Did you really watch it? I thought you and Pablo spent the whole movie sucking off each other's faces. - He bit his bottom lip as he looked over at me. His eyebrows scrunched and the usual smile that adorned his face was replaced with a scowl.

He had sat at the opposite end of the row at the movie theatre and I was sure he had either not noticed or cared what Pablo and I had been doing. But I was clearly wrong.

- And? Are you jealous or something? - I spat back catching Pedri by surprise. He stayed quiet for a moment. - And what if I am? - He responded with a low and husky voice with a tone of realization like he had just admitted that to himself in that very second. As the last word left his mouth I began to feel my heart beat speed up.

Pedri continued to drive needing no directions to my home. He pulled up to the same spot where we had made out months back. As he stopped the car he turned over and looked at me.

- So what's going on with you and Pablo? - He asked, nothing holding him back.

I wanted to tell him it was none of his business what Pablo and I were but part of me was also intrigued that he even cared. - I guess we are casually dating. - I said questioningly. The truth was I was not entirely sure what Pablo and I had. Despite having been talking nonstop for the past two weeks we had not formalized anything.

- Well, do you like him? - he asked.


- Well, do you like him? - I asked Sara. And as the last word left my mouth I regretted it. I wanted to know, no I needed to know if Sara like Pablo. But at the end of the day it would not make much of a difference. Pablo and I had only known each other for a short time but he had become my best friend. The one thing I knew was that I couldn't betray him, he was like a brother, even if I had seen Sara first.

- Maybe. - Sara said.

Before I could say anything Sara bit her bottom lip and added - But I also like you, Pedro. -

Her words caught me by surprise which caused me to turn over to look at her and despite my good intentions I could not fight off my desire. I leaned in closer to her and felt a sudden rush of peace fill my body when our lips met. With one single touch of our lips I was transported to the night I had first met Sara. The sweet taste of her lips. The way with just one look, one kiss, one touch she had managed to cause me to question my whole life.

When our lips parted Sara just sat there staring at me. Her kiss was just as I had remembered and what I had been craving since.


Our lips parted and I sat there confused but before I could say anything Pedri interrupted the silence. - I'll see you around. -

I took the hint and stepped out of his car. Before I reached my front door the green mini cooper had already sped away.

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