Chapter 10

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Gavi's POV

I walked into the room, Pedri had his eyes closed as he laid on the hospital bed. His brother Fernando had been the first to come in after Xavi. His parents weren't in town and Fernando had already called them not to worry. As I stood there looking at him hooked up to the machines I felt comfort knowing he was okay. They were going to keep him overnight to monitor him but he did not have any fractures or anything else that Sara had worried about.

My mind went to what had happened just a few minutes ago outside.
-You're the girl from Val's party aren't you?- I asked. Sara remained quiet for a few seconds until she looked up at me. I felt as she gave my hand a squeeze. She bit her bottom lip and nodded, tears filled her eyes. I felt my heart drop.

I had a feeling since I had told Pedri I had met her. The way he remembered little details. He and told me to get her what I later found out was her favorite flower. He helped me plan to ask her out. How he never really told me how he had met her. And the way his attitude had changed once she and I had begun dating. It was all in front of me and I had been too dumb to realize it, or too in love.

Before I could say anything Sara began to talk. -I'm sorry Pablo. I met him before you. And as much as I tried to get him out of my head and my heart, it's been impossible.- Tears still falling down her eyes. I wanted to yell. I felt my heart break more and more with every words she said. But I couldn't really blame her. I knew what it felt like to fall in love with someone and not be able to get them out of your head.

-Did you ever like me?- I asked. She looked over at me and smiled. -Pablo. I did... I do. But you deserve better. More than I can give you.-

Pedri opened his eyes. -Don't ever scare us like that again, cabron.- I said as I began to walk towards the bed. He tried to laugh but hardly could. -Did we win?- He asked hopeful causing me to giggle. -We did.-

I explained to him all of the tests had came out fine. That his parents would be coming to town in the next few days to be with him and he would have a few days free of practice. -Xavi came and he left after making sure you were fine.- He smiled. -Valeria and Marco are here.- I added. -And Sara.- once I said her name I saw how his face lit up. His eyes looked up at me and he quickly tried to hide his expression. I sat there next to his bed and kept my gaze at the floor. Pedri didn't say anything.

-Pedri, Sara told me.- I said in a low voice automatically regretting it.
-Told you what?-
-That she's the girl from Val's party.-

Finally I looked up and our eyes met. He was speechless. Telling me he was sorry with just his gaze. -Look Pablo. I'm sorry.-

-Now I understand why you told me so many times you needed to stay away from her.- I said thinking of all the times I had told him to try and go after that girl. Not knowing that girl was my girlfriend.

-And I tried my best, Gavi.-
-I'm not mad at you Pedri ... or her. I feel like a dumbass for not realizing it sooner. -
-Gavi, don't. I really tried my best to stay away from her. But every time it's like something called me to her. I never meant to hurt you. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I kissed her when I shouldn't have. I'm sorry I couldn't change the way I feel for her.-

I stood there in silence. I'm sorry that I kissed her. I felt my heart sink lower. Part of me relieved my best friend was awake and alive. Another part of me wanting to kill him.

Sara's POV
In between tears I confessed to Gavi I was the girl from Val's party. I couldn't continue to hide it any longer specially after how I reacted after Pedri's injury. A sense of fear filled my body. I was losing him and I had wasted time pushing him away.

Gavi wasn't mad, or if he was he didn't show it. He told me he understood. I told him I meant everything I ever said to him. He was special to me but he deserved better. I didn't deserve him.

After saying goodbye to Val and Marcos I began to walk towards Pedri's room. His brother was the only one left in the waiting room. The door to Pedri's room opened as I approached. Before I could move Gavi came storming out and our faces met.

-Gavi. Is everything okay?- I asked. He was pale and looked disheveled. Almost as if he had seen a ghost. I saw as he took one deep gulp before answering me. -Sara, please move.-

I stepped aside and without saying anything else Gavi left.

When I walked into the room Pedri was sitting on the bed. He looked up and smiled. -Hola.- I said shyly. -How are you?-
I looked at him from head to toe as he answered. Making sure everything looked in its place. -I'm fine. It was just a little accident. I could have finished the match.- He said. I rolled my eyes. -You were unconscious.- He shrugged his shoulders.

-Fernando told me you were crying.- He said looking at me.
-I was worried about you. You took a pretty hard hit and I heard so many things being said in the tunnel that I got scared for you.-
-Gavi told me you told him.- He finally said. His dark brown eyes radiating a sense of hope in between the shine.

-He saw me crying. I couldn't control it.- I walked closer to him.
-So you do care.- He commented without looking at me. Scared that my answer wouldn't be what he desperately wanted to hear.

-I care more than I should for you.- I finally accepted out loud. He looked at me and half smiled. It was almost as if he was scared when it came to me, always on the defensive trying to protect himself.

-I thought he had taken it fairly well but it was probably just because I was already crying.- I said.
-He told me he understood.- Pedri explained. -I felt like shit Sara. Every time I kissed you I felt like I was betraying my best friend. I told him I was sorry, that I shouldn't have but I just couldn't stay away from you.-

I looked at Pedri in shock. It made sense now. -You told him we kissed?- Pedri looked at me confused. -Yes. I didn't tell him about last night, but I had to. I want to start this right, without lies. I ...-

-Start what, Pedri?- I interrupted him.
He looked around the room. His eyebrows furrowed. -This. You and me.-

-There's no you and me, Pedri. No wonder he looked so mad right now. You're such an idiot.- The words left my mouth before I could truly think. -Besides, you have Alice. And now I don't have Gavi.-

He stared at me without saying a word. His mouth closed. A look of regret in his eyes. Regret for falling for someone like me.

I stormed out of the room looking for Val to take me home.

-I'm sorry.- I texted Gavi thinking how horrible he probably felt hearing his best friend tell him we kissed. I sat in Val's car and cried.

-He's fine, isn't he?- She asked confused.
-Pedri. Fernando said he had cleared all of the tests and he was fine.-
-Gavi knows about us.- I said.
-That explains why he didn't even say bye as he left.- She told me.
-I accepted it, Val. I told him I was the girl from your party that Pedri liked. I told him to forgive me. And then Pedri stupidly told him we had kissed.-
-Wait, you're mad at Pedri?- She asked confused.
-Gavi almost walked right through me afterwards, he was upset. Pedri is such an idiot.-
-Joder, you were just crying about losing him. And now you're mad at him?-
I looked over at my friend and wiped the tears off my eyes. I grabbed my purse and opened the door to her car. -I can go home by myself, thank you.- I stepped out of her car as she yelled behind me.

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