Part 1: Sound Track To Your Life

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If you've read the other books you know somewhat of my story, at least from the point from my friend Mavs point of view. This is almost like that, but different a more of what ifs...

Hi who am I? I am Lupe.... well actually Guadalupe, but most can't say it so I stick to Lupe. I am currently sitting in between two of my closest friends, if you could imagine we were working in my friend Mavericks or as we call them Mavs studio. Mavs family was probably one of the richest families in town, but it never changed who they were. Our other friend Celia had slowly become a producer for us, Mavs parents had actually gotten a hold of someone to help teach a bunch of teenagers on how to produce music. To say more or less she and I were very excited  at just the fact, we would've otherwise not been able to learn until either college or by some miracle.

"Lupe are you even paying attention right now? You missed your cue." Celia said as she stopped the recording, "Sorry what?" I said when I finally looked up, my two friends looking back at me "You are so distracted today what's going on?" Mav said they sat next to Celia

"Just getting stuck in my mind like usual, you know me." I said as I adjusted the headphones once again before looking over at the two who are nodding their heads.

"Is it because of Mel?" Celia slightly said, Mel was someone who I had gotten closed to since my freshman year of high school and she had recently graduated in May. We still had another year to go, there was this thing but not this thing.... I honestly couldn't tell you for the most part.

"Nah, I know that we needed to go our own ways, I understood that besides before you both ask no we didn't do anything. I am still waiting on that special one and don't start shit." I said as the two busted out laughing.

"I wasn't going to say anything Lupe, we just know you have a certain type. You know like that one Taylor girl.... you know the one I am talking about Cel?" Mav says looking at her, I know exactly where this is going.

"Omg yes, uhhh what was her name? Taylor umm... the one that sings country... and she is over here like no... no more country. Yet she is over here belting Tim McGraw in her accent that seems to come out." She says as they are now both laughing at me.

"Wow way to be supportive guys... By the way it's Taylor Swift, she is like a year younger than us and is already signed. I am telling you that she is going to be big." I said as they both rolled their eyes our group had usually consisted of a lot of black tees, vans, jeans and a ton of spikes. I mean don't get us wrong the three of us listened to a lot of variety of music, but we usually stuck with bands like Simple Plan, Good Charlotte, Green Day. You would always find us at concerts that others would hold with the same genre of play style. 

"So are we going to get through this song or are we going to continue talking about Lupes crush on Taylor swift." Celia said as she tried her hardest to keep a straight face.

"Straight up bullying guys!" I said cracking up laughing. "Ok but for real we should start, Band Camp is like next month and that one over there is going to be in charge. God help us." I pointed towards Celia.

"Hit it Cel." I said as I fully focused on the beat

If you can hear me
And know that I'm right here
I heard your heartbeat
It took away the fear
'Cause my life is sliding
I tried to ride the wave
It came down crashing, it's time to start again

Backwards to go forward
Left at every corner
Been there and back again
And when the music ends

I am so focused on the music from my notebook, that I get so lost in singing that I don't even realize that I had hit the last note perfectly. It was the claps that woke me out of my daze, "Lupe that was so damn good." Celia said as she went to play it back for us, "Holy shit" is all that comes out of my mouth.

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