Chapter 14: The VMAS

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Lupe POV

"You know you can't just sit there like that." Maverick said as I looked up at them.

"I do what I want Mav, I am sorry that my whatever this is bugging you. I mean I confessed to her and she just did that." I said as pulled my guitar in front of me.

"I just think that there is something else going on.. you know something that we just don't know." They said as they sat next to me, I had been working on a few things since we had gotten back from Texas. I hadn't exactly talked to the blonde not that I exactly wanted to, anytime that she was getting off of from the tour she and her "boyfriend" always seemed tied at the hip.

"She could've just I don't know not lead me on if she was going to get with him." I said as I strummed a few chords, quickly writing them down.

"Come on Lupe we still have to be civil, you do realize we have until November on this tour. You also do realize that it's barely in the beginning of September and we have the VMAS coming up." Mav said as I just nodded my head.

"Let me just keep avoiding her Mav, it's easier this way and it hurts a lot less." I said as I let out a deep sigh.

"Hanging out with her brother, but avoiding her?" Mav said with a slight chuckle.

"Hey don't mess with my process, besides he just reminds me of my brothers and I miss them." I say as I see Taylor from a distance, she quickly making her way over.

"Don't runaway Loop." They say as I quickly start gathering my stuff seeing Austin make his way by.

"Hey Austin." I say as I see Taylor reach where I once stood.

Taylors POV

"Is she seriously going to keep avoiding me." I say as I reach where she and Maverick once sat at as Maverick quickly shrugged their shoulders. "What help you are."

"Hey I've been trying to help with your case Swift." Mav said looking up at me.

"I know I know, it's just that I miss her. Like she won't answer me back. I know I messed up, I should've said it, but I just." I started rambling as Maverick continued to look at me.

"You love her don't you?" They said as I nodded my head. "But I am guessing there is some business proposition going on then?"

I shut my eyes before hearing Maverick speaking once again, "Look you gotta do what you gotta do, but I know Loop pretty well and when she loves someone she loves them. She is so stubborn sometimes, that she doesn't necessarily think."

"Yet that is what makes her special." I say with a slight smile coming across my face.

"Maybe Paul was right, but maybe just not right now." Maverick said as they stood up turning towards me. "And don't worry no matter what she is doing right now she still loves you Taylor, I think the two of you are going to be one of those great loves towards each other."

It didn't take long for Maverick to leave after that statement, I watched as they quickly made their way towards Lupe and my brother.


To say the least I was definitely excited to be attending the 2009 VMAS, I knew it was going to be something special.

Of course Lupe still hadn't been talking to me, she and the band would do their thing. They would all quickly disappear, sometimes I felt like I could still see her in the audience watching.

"Taylor are you ready sweetheart?" My mom called out as I slightly turned around looking at her.

"What do you think mom?" I asked as I smiled hoping that she loved it.

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