8. Stardust Memories

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Delilah inspected the watch on Luke's wrist with a scowl as they walked into the giant hotel, past a sign that stated 'Hollywood Ghost Club' "Boys we have an hour tops. We can't be late." She told them and they all nodded as Luke pulled his arm back but their focus was on the scene in front of them. The female bandmate followed their gaze and her jaw all but dropped. She could barely listen as Willie explained to them how they had never heard of this place before. The floor was covered in glistening tables in front of a large stage. "This place is creepy." Reggie whined and Delilah softly patted his shoulder "Yeah well so are we." Alex told him. They were completely oblivious to the plan brewing beneath that stage. "I don't know about this" Reggie began again and Alex once again came to the rescue, he was on quite a positive streak since meeting Willie, and it hadn't gone unnoticed by the band "Well, if you get scared you can hide behind me." Alex began to move behind the girl to his left. "I'll be hiding behind Delilah." The girl nodded slowly, with wide eyes. "I'll be behind Luke." She stated as she and Alex moved in sync behind the boy in the blue jacket. Luke shook his head "You guys need to grow up, OK?" His girlfriend scoffed and whacked her hand against his forehead "Rude." The boy winced and rubbed his forehead while he shot her a sympathetic look. "We're gonna get back at Bobby." He finished and the two boys nodded with determination, almost looking brave. Delilah wasn't so sure. "And you're 100% sure this is the route you want to take? Revenge and Anger?" She didn't receive an answer from her bandmates, it was no use, they were stubborn as very handsome little mules. Delilah couldn't hold back her grin as Alex leaned over to whisper in her ear "I'm still gonna hide behind him."

Willie led the ghost band to their reserved table, running into a few lifers on the way, which surprised the band. Turns out this club was an exclusive chance for lifers to see what the afterlife is like. An experience of pure luxury and exclusivity. The band had been looking around, craning their necks to try and find out who this mysterious ghost was that would make them visible to Bobby, but there was no such ghost in sight. The band's heads shot up when a voice was heard over the speakers. "Ladies and Gentlemen!" Delilah looked toward the stage in hopes to find where the voice was coming from with an almost smile on her face "Please welcome Caleb Covington!" Her smile dropped. Caleb Covington? It couldn't be, it couldn't possibly be. "Woah you guys have matching last names!" Luke laughed without looking at his girlfriend, if he would have, he would have seen the anxiety dripping from her skin and the look of absolute horror as she watched her father poof above the stage. Her father. The same man that had abandoned her and her mother at just 12 years old. Her stomach sank and she was glad that ghosts couldn't puke because she surely would. Her breathing was shallow as the music began, it was all muffles of sounds and blurry lights. Delilah could only focus on one thing she had to get out. "I-I- I'm" Delilah struggled through quick intakes of breath "I'm going to... to meet Julie.... You guys got this, I'll see you there." The girl stood up quickly and her boyfriend grabbed her hand softly "Are you okay?" He asked her, his hazel eyes filled with worry. The girl just smiled and nodded "Okay." He told her quietly, he didn't believe her but he knew he couldn't push it right now. He just watched as his girlfriend poofed away, and turned his attention back to the stage in front of him.


It had been over an hour since Delilah had left the Hollywood Ghost Club and she sat on the floor of the gym with Julie and Flynn, watching them pop balloons in anger, the boys hadn't shown up and Delilah was starting to get extremely worried. Who knows what her dad had done to them? Tears began to stream down her cheeks and her shoulders sunk towards the floor as her head hung down. "Delilah what's wrong?" Julie asked as she ran over to the ghost girl who was now sobbing, her shoulders shaking. The girl didn't get a chance to answer, not that she could, when the boys burst through the gym doors "Let's get ready to ro-" Reggie began to shout before seeing the girls on the floor. Luke looked around at the stage trying to find them when Alex bumped his shoulder and pointed at the three of them. Luke's eyes shot up to the sight of them huddled together, Delilah's shaking figure in the middle.

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