10. When the Door is Shut

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Finally Free- Julie and The Phantoms


"Reggie! Get your hand off of my girlfriend's butt!" Luke shouted from the bottom of the pyramid, above him was Alex, then Reggie, and finally Delilah. They were trying to get up to Julie's window to get her out of the house and on her way to the gig. "It's the only hand hold!" Reggie squeaked and tried to move his hands but gave up when Delilah almost fell. "Luke honey I am not dying again so you're just gonna have to deal with it." She screamed back down to her boyfriend who only responded with a whine. "It's not my fault I'm the strongest!" His bandmates laughed and Delilah waved as Julie came to the window, pulling it up with a grunt. "What are you doing?" She shook her head with a laugh "We're here to get you to our gig, we heard you got grounded." Delilah grinned and beckoned to the younger girl to come out the window where she was balancing very precariously. "No way I can't just break my dad's rules." The girl outside the window groaned "Come onnnn Julie! Let's do this! Sunset Curve style!" The boys cheered beneath her. Delilah screamed as Reggie fell off of the tower leaving the girl hanging on the window "Please..... I'm about to fall." She groaned and Julie shook her head and chuckled "Fine. Let me get dressed, I'll meet you there." Delilah cheered but it was quickly turned into a panicked scream as she fell from the window, thankfully landing in Alex's arms. She patted his chest as he put her down. "You should've been a cheerleader my dude." She told him breathlessly and his grin was as wide as ever.


"You ready?" Delilah asked the young girl in front of her as she hovered her hands over her shoulders in a form of support. "As I'll ever be." She took a deep breath and headed to the piano on the stage. Alex had just delivered an extremely impressive performance, once again glowing when his female bandmate had told him he should have been a cheerleader for the second time that night. Alex definitely deserved the title of designated dancer on the team.

Julie chuckled as she softly spoke into the microphone at the front of the stage. "Hi. It's actually 'Julie and the Phantoms.'... OK." She smiled before sitting down at the piano bench, scooting forward, and placing her fingers on the keys. The bandmates grinned as they watched Flynn switch on the fake hologram machine. Delilah poofed onto the stage gently as the crowd gasped and began to sing their newest song, written for this event.

Hearts on Fire

We're no Liars, so we say what we wanna say.

Delilah grinned at the younger girl next to her, beautifully playing the keys, she also winked at her bandmates who were waiting patiently in the crowd for their moment to join her.

I'm awakened, No more fakin'

So we push all our fears away.

Don't know if I'll make it 'Cause I'm falling under.

Close my eyes and feel my chest beating like thunder.

Delilah grinned wider as she felt the climax building up, tapping her heel on the floor to the beat. She knew her boys would be up there soon and it was the best feeling to be performing with them and Julie again. It was exactly what she needed as a distraction.

I wanna fly, Come alive

Watch me shine!

The male bandmates poofed onto the stage with their instruments and the whole club let out a loud cheer

I've got a spark in me, hands up if you can see!

And you're a part of me, now till eternity

Been so long and now we're finally free!

We're all bright now, what a sight now, coming out like we're fireworks

Marching on proud, turn it up loud

Because now we know what we're worth.

Luke and Delilah grinned at each other from their separate mic stands as Luke joined his girlfriend's vocals for the build up.

We know we can make it we're not fallin' down under

Close my eyes and feel my chest beating like thunder.

I wanna fly, come alive

Watch me shine!

The crowd was going wild as Reggie jumped off of the drum stage and Luke jumped bringing his hand down on his strings and Delilah threw her hands out as she hit the high note before the chorus, the energy was electric and the whole band was full of light and energy. Julie would never quit this band again, she would never love anything more than this.

I've got a spark in me, hands up if you can see!

And you're a part of me, hands up if you're with me

Now till eternity, Hands up if you believe

Been so long and now we're finally free.

The band continued to sing as the crowd went wild, jumping up and down with excitement.

They finished their song and no longer were visible to the 'lifers' as Alex's friend called them.

"Thank you! We're Julie and the Phantoms! Tell your friends."


The bandmates groaned as they walked out of the club and onto the sidewalk "The famous music lady was so close to talking to Julie! She just had to get in trouble!" Reggie whined as the band chuckled "We'll have so many other chances trust me, what matters is that was awesome!" Luke cheered and grinned up at his girlfriend who was sitting atop his shoulders, grasping his hands firmly to keep herself from falling. "Here here! To Julie and the Phantoms!" She cheered and grinned at Alex who was trying to keep himself from smiling but just couldn't help himself. "To Julie and the Phantoms!" They all shouted together and ran down the street screaming until their throats were raw.


After poofing into the beautiful Molina home, the bandmates sat on their couches waiting for Julie to get home with her father. They were anxious to find out what had happened on the ride home.

Reggie scoffed as Julie's aunt told her nephew that ghosts were not real. "Typical Adult. Remember when we were kids, and they never believed what we said?" Delilah nodded in agreement but it was cut short when Alex replied with a judgmental look at the both of them "Yeah. I'm pretty sure that's just a "you" thing. I was always pretty trustworthy." The bandmates let out a laugh when Delilah mocked Alex with her tongue sticking out of her mouth "I was pretty trustworthy" She stated in a high pitched voice. "Okay well I'm glad Delilah is distracted but shouldn't we be worried about Julie? Her dad just busted her, Ok? He's probably making her quit the band." Alex's eyes narrowed and Reggie furrowed his eyebrows "What is Delilah distracted from?" the blonde asked and the female's light hearted smile dropped, she sighed, she couldn't hide anything from her boys. "Caleb Covington from the Hollywood Ghost Club is my dad." She blurted out quickly with a huff and Luke put a comforting arm around her shoulders and kissed her forehead lightly as she leaned into him with a frown "What the freak? How is that even possible? Your dirtbag father is the most powerful ghost in all of Hollywood?" The girl just shrugged as Alex put his hand over her own and Reggie replaced his own frown with a devilish grin. "Whatever we don't need his help anyway, watch this." Reggie grabbed Delilah's hand and pulled her out of Luke's grasp, Reggie led the girl along as he shut the lamp off earning a gasp from the two in the kitchen. "Your turn Lilah!" He chuckled and Delilah just softly began to flip the window shutters open, shut, open, shut. A smile slowly made its way to her lips as she heard the normally leather clad boy let out a gleeful laugh. "Wait, I have to get this on video!" Carlos shouted and Reggie winked at Delilah "Oh yeah you do!" Reggie threw a blanket over Delilah's head and one over his own. "Reg! I can't see!" The girl giggled and threw the blanket off and continued to laugh as she made her way back to Luke and Reggie continued to dance in front of the young Molina boy's camera, undoubtedly making his whole day, maybe even his whole year. All Delilah knew was that she was so grateful for her boys.

A/N: Happy Valentine's Day Loves <3

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