11. Sister Figures

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Perfect Harmony: Julie and The Phantoms


 "So Mr. Hollywood ghost club is your dad huh?" Alex lamented as he and Delilah strolled down the beach, the girl held her dirty converse in her hands while Alex refused to take his shoes off. "Yeah. Not sure how that happened but what can you do I guess." Delilah shrugged "Okay Lilah, I know you're trying to be nonchalant but I can see right through you." Alex stopped the girl and grabbed her shoulders and squinted to further prove his point. "The problem is I don't even know how to feel. I don't know why I would even be bothered if he left years and years ago. I should be over it." Alex gave the girl a sympathetic look and pulled her into a soft hug. "But you're not, and you're upset, and that's perfectly normal. All I can tell you is that he's an absolute scum bag that doesn't deserve you, and you have a family that's always here for you and also is great at music. So that's pretty cool If I do say so myself." He whispered into her hair as he tightened his grip on her. He meant every word. She was like a sister to him and he would always be there for her, just like she had been and always would be there for him. He would never forget who's house he stayed at when his parents kicked him out after he came out. He would never forget the little girl that yelled at the kids on the playground for bullying a little boy for his pink shoes. He would never forget a single one of their 'decompression sessions' as they called them. She wasn't just like a sister to him, she was his sister, no questions asked. "Screw father figures, I only need my sister figure." He said confidently and the girl squeezed her arms around him as tight as she could while she laughed. Alex for the win once again.


Delilah grinned as her boyfriend pulled her down the hallways of Los Feliz High School "Are you sure we can't just wait until later? Julie probably doesn't want to be bothered by us at school Luke." Luke made a pouting face at her and shook his head "No way. She loves us, and we need to discuss our set list for tonight. Plus it's always fun to visit our old stomping grounds..." He trailed off with a wink and his girlfriend simply groaned and let him drag her along to Julie's locker where they hid behind the door until it was closed by the Molina girl "GAh! You scared me!" She shouted and the couple of ghosts laughed. "We're here to discuss the setlist, Delilah was thinking we should sing 'great'." Luke folded his arms as the girl next to him nodded. Julie smiled awkwardly at students nearby and pulled her phone out and put it up to her ear. "Hey! You're taking a call right now? You know how rude that is?" Luke whined and Julie put up a finger. "Hey thanks for calling! Otherwise people might think I'm talking to myself." She smiled and Delilah nodded with a smile "I told you she was clever." "No. But yeah I think 'great' is a great choice." Julie chuckled at her own joke "Sweet well that's pretty much all we had, so we'll get out of your hair now. Make good choices!" Delilah said with a wink and began to pull her boyfriend away before quickly turning around when she heard a male voice call out to Julie. The ghost couple looked at each other with their jaws nearly to the floor. They stood like that for a second before coming back to their senses "Awww he's so cute Julie!" Delilah squealed and Luke scoffed "I'm way cuter than him!" "Of course babe. You're the cutest man I've ever seen." She said with the most straight face she could possibly muster and her boyfriend looked as if he had just won an Oscar. All he needed was sunglasses. "Julie... Somebody has a crush on you." Luke winked and Julie smiled sarcastically "Shut Up!" Delilah gasped as Nick's face fell "Um... Shut up! You're gonna do great!" She scrambled to save the situation as she laughed awkwardly and softly hit Nick's arm. Delilah grabbed her boyfriend's hand "Let's leave these two love birds alone. Kill it on the dance floor Julie!" She giggled as her and Luke danced down the hallway and out the doors.


"So the room we met. Smooth." Delilah grinned at the boy in front of her who was holding his guitar with a huge smile adorning his face. They sat on the swings in the playground, luckily it was old and had never been renovated so there were no kids around to sit through them. "I wrote a song, but I need your help. I only have half of it. Can you improvise?" Luke asked her and she nodded. Luke began to strum softly and began to sing as he looked at his girlfriend through his eyelashes. She would never get sick of his voice that much was certain.

Step into my world. Bittersweet love story about a girl.

Shook me to the core, voice like an angel, I've never heard before.

He winked at her at that line and her cheeks were tinted a soft pink, he never failed to make her stomach flutter. He gestured to her as if to let her know it was her turn and she took a deep breath before joining in. Letting the boy in front of her inspire the words to flood out of her.

Here, in front of me. They're shining so much brighter than I have ever seen.

Life can be so mean. But when he goes, I know he doesn't leave.

He gave her a genuine smile, she was right, he would never ever leave her.

Like magic he joined the girl and they sang the exact same words. They're voices flowed together like beautiful strings wound together with golden thread. They were in perfect sync.

The truth is finally breaking through, two worlds collide when I'm with you.

Our voices rise and soar so high we come to life when we're

In Perfect Harmony Woah-oh, woah-oh

Perfect Harmony Woah-oh woah-oh

Delilah let Luke take over as she watched him in awe, before joining in on her own, and then together, in perfect sync once more, or perfect harmony as they would call it.

L: You set me free

D: You and me together, is more than chemistry

Love me as I am, I'll hold your music here inside my hand

Our voices rise and soar so high we come to life when we're

In Perfect Harmony woah-oh woah-oh

Perfect Harmony Woah-oh woah-oh

Perfect Harmony

The couple couldn't stop smiling as the bridge in the music soared through the air, nobody worked better together than the two of them. Their music was an absolute wonder.

D: I feel your rhythm in my heart yeah, yeah, yeah

L: You are my brightest burning star woah-ooh, oh oh

D: I never knew a love so real

We're heaven on earth, Melody and words, When we're together we're

In Perfect Harmony woah-oh, woah-oh

Perfect Harmony woah-oh, woah-oh

In Perfect Harmony

Luke softly gave his guitar one last strum and put it on the ground, propped up next to him as his girlfriend pulled him up to slow dance with her. Her arms were strung around his neck and his arms were tight around her waist. Their heads lean on each other's shoulders. "I love you endlessly, Patterson." The boy grinned against her hair "Well my forever girl, I think we just wrote a hit." She laughed quietly "No." Her smile grew and she whispered "This one's just for us."


The band was sitting on the couch in the studio, plucking the notes to 'Great' when Willie's head popped up in the window, before quickly disappearing again. "Again? What is with him?" Reggie asked and Alex frowned "I don't know but I'm about to find out." He poofed out of the studio quickly and Delilah held out an arm as the other boys went to follow him. "Let him figure it out."


"Covington's stamps are causing us to 'flicker' and eventually it will drain our souls until we disappear. Our only choice is to find our unfinished business and cross over, or join his band and 'give him his daughter back', as he told Willie." Alex added quotations with  his hands and huffed as he paced around the room. Delilah stood up suddenly "I'm going to see Julie. Keep rehearsing for the party." She demanded before poofing out of the studio. The boys looked at each other warily, she wasn't going to see Julie.

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