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In the X-Naut's Fortress... 

Grodus was chatting with an X-Naut Scientist. 

Grodus: What?!? Say that again! You can't get in touch with Lord Crump?

X-Naut Scientist: You are correct, sir. We are investigating now... We should hear anytime...

A regular X-Naut appears. 

X-Naut: Sir Grodus! Please allow me to enter!

Grodus: What is it? 

X-Naut: I have a report, sir! The Crystal Star in the Boggly Woods has apparently been taken by (Y/N) and his friends!

Grodus: WHAT?! What happened to Lord Crump and the Shadow Sirens?! 

X-Naut: Uh, I'm sorry, sir! Unfortunately, they were defeated! 

Grodus: Hmmm... Disturbing. This (Y/N) character... What kind of... Speak up, X-Naut! What is the status of the other Crystal Stars?

X-Naut: I apologize, sir! We are still searching for the other Crystal Stars! Unsuccessfully, sir!

Grodus: We knew of three of them... Hooktail Castle. Boggly Woods. The one we got in Rogueport. That means there are four Crystal Stars left out there... Keep looking, and make sure that (Y/N) doesn't beat us to the punch! 

X-Naut: Yes Sir! 

He leaves. 

Grodus: As I suspected, there's no reason to doubt that (Y/N) has that map... He must. Listen up! You! I want you to keep a close watch on what (Y/N) does from now on!

X-Naut Scientist: Yes Sir! 

He leaves too. 

Grodus: (Y/N), I loathe you. 

Peach on the other hand goes back to visit TEC... 

TEC: Hello, Princess Peach. I am glad you came.

Peach: That mail I sent to (Y/N)... Did it reach him all right?

TEC: Yes. I can confirm that (Y/N) received the mail.

Peach: Is that so? Well, good... So what do you want from me today? Is there more you want to know of love?

TEC: You expressed regret earlier that you would not be able to dance at a ball, correct?


TEC: I am sorry, Princess Peach. I have been ordered to keep surveillance on you. is odd... When you said that, I had an impulse to dance with you as well. How many CPU would produce this impulse is inexplicable. I must find what caused it.

Peach: Find out what caused it? There's no reason behind such a feeling, TEC. Wanting to do something together... It's part of love. 

TEC: Princess Peach. Please dance with me.

Peach: Wait... Wait just a minute! I supposed to do? You say you want to dance? It's just so...bizzare... I mean, how in the world can I dance with you? You have no arms. Or feet. Or moves.

He then creates a clone of her. 

TEC: Will this be a good substitution? 

Peach: All right ... I guess. 

The two begin dancing as TEC plays a song she loves. 

After the two finished their waltz, well- 

TEC: Thank you, Princess Peach. That was very fun.

He soon realized what he said. 

TEC: ...Fun? Is this impulse I feel the concept known as fun?

Peach: TEC? Are you OK?

TEC: Princess Peach, I will fulfill my promise to you. Please use my communicator. Use the keyboard to send whatever message you want.

She does so. 

TEC: The message has been sent. Please go back to your room. I want to analyze the data from this dance immediately. The data that I thought was fun...

Peach: Okay, Good Night, TEC. You're a weird computer. 

TEC: Incorrect. You are mistaken. I am the world's best and only perfect computer. Good Night, Princess Peach. 

She leaves. 

With Bowser and Kamek... 

Bowser and Kamek were seen in Petal Meadows. 

Bowser: I'm pretty sure it's just up ahead here...

Kamek: That's right Lord Bowser. Word has gotten out that Princess Peach is up ahead in Petalburg. 

Bowser: Good! Yes, very good. Then we're off!

The two reach Petalburg, and- 

Koopa: Oh hello there, welcome to Petalburg, I- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! IT'S BOWSER!!! RUN!!!!

He runs off. 

Bowser: Hmmph! What a wuss. Yes, hide, chickens! I have no need for any of you! What I do need, though, is Princess Peach. Now, where is she? Tell me this instant!

Kamek noticed Peach on the side of a house! 

Kamek: Over there! Look, my King! 

Bowser: Bingo! Princess Peach! Man, that was easy!

He goes over. 

Bowser: I've found you, my princess. I, Bowser, the mighty Koopa king, offer my greeting!

There was silence. 

Bowser: Now, now! None of that silent treatment! You're coming to my castle with me!

Kamek: Heh! Clearly she's so overcome with joy that she's been left speechless! The mind of a maiden is, well, rather... complicated. Mweh heh heh heh heh!

Bowser: Gra ha ha ha ha ha ha! I see! I see! How refined! How elegant! Awesome! I suppose I could live with a silent princess! It might even have its perks, you know?

???: NOOOOOO!!!

A nearby Koopa screamed in horror! 

Koopa: My... My life's treasure! I'd rather die than give up my life-sized Peach poster!

Bowser: HUH?! POSTER?! 

The Koopa tore it off the wall and ran inside with it! 

Kamek: Okay, I didn't see that one coming. 

Bowser: Great. Just great. Now I look like the huge, mighty king of GUYS WHO TALKS TO POSTERS!

Kamek: Aw, don't feel bad Lord Bowser. Let's just keep looking. 

They soon leave the town much to the relief of the Denizens. 

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