Battle For Mewni (Part 1!)

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Days had passed and...

Star: I can't believe I'm almost been here for half a year!

(Y/N): Heh, you've been around here since May!

Star: I know right?! THIS IS SO EXCITING!

(Y/N): What do you think we should do?

Star: Well, I was thinking that-

But you guys had no time to talk, as-

Moon comes out from a portal!

Moon: Star, we have to go!


Star: Mom, what's going on?!

Moon: I don't have time to explain, but suffice it to say, we are in danger. We must leave for Mewni immediately.

Star: What? Mom, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No! You sent me here, and I didn't have a choice, and now you're just telling me to leave?

Moon: Star, please you have to listen!

Star: Mom, I've learned that I get to make choices here. I choose to be with (Y/N). I love him! I CHOOSE TO GO STAR ACADEMY!! I CHOOSE TO CELEBRATE HOLIDAYS!! I WANT TO LIVE H-

Moon: (sigh) Look ... it's Toffee.

(Y/N): TOFFEE?! BUT HE'S DEAD! There was nothing left of him after Star did the Whisper Spell!

Moon: It's different (Y/N), he took over Ludo's body.

(Y/N): WHAT?!

Moon: He defeated the High Magic Commission, everything is going underway! We have to go!

Star: (sigh) I-

(Y/N): Fine! We'll go! I'll stop him my-

Star: No, I have to go alone.

(Y/N): Star! This guy can regenerate himself! I can Hakai him out of existence! I-

She just kissed you.

Star: I have to prove myself to Mewni. Sorry, but I'll be back! I swear!

(Y/N): (sigh) Very well. Please come back!

Star: I will!

And with that ... Star left with Moon ... back to Mewni...

As time passed by, well a vision came into your head, and there you saw Mewni under Ludo's leadership, the Book of Spells burning, and not just that- You saw Star chained up.

And then-

???: HEY!! HEY EARTH TURD!! (Y/N)!! WAKE UP!!!


You woke up at the sight of Pony Head.

(Y/N): What the?! Pony Head?! How did-

Pony Head: No time! Star needs you!

(Y/N): What?! What happened?!

Pony Head: Everything went down because of all these rats and-

(Y/N): Ugh! Hang on!

You read her mind.

(Y/N): Okay, I got it! If that's the case, I have the perfect people for the job. So sit right there Hellspawn!

Pony Head: Heh, see you around Earth Turd.

And so...

You show up with four figures in Mewni.

(Y/N): Feel like kicking Monster butt?

???: With pleasure!


???3: If Magic really does exist throughout this dimension, they must know a way to turn me back.

(Y/N): Heh. Here, I believe you'll need this thing back, old pal.

You throw the Sword of Light to the last figure, who was a certain blonde swordsman!

???4: Let's do this!

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