Down Resolution Road!!

111 8 6

(Y/N): Well, this is ... unique.

There were multiple buildings, almost like a town.

Kirby was tilting his head.

Kirby: Poyo?

(Y/N): I'd call this a corporate takeover, but well-

Several Waddle dees were driving cars.

(Y/N): Those Waddle Dees look happy. And I bet that idiot king would be too.

Kirby: Poyo.

(Y/N): I'm sure he's doing something stupid.

In a nearby casino...

Dedede: HAHAHAHAHAHA! Read em and weep boys! I'm still in the game!

The fat Penguin was gambling his cares away.

Escargoon: Sire, this is getting out of hand. How much more are you going to keep gambling?

Dedede: UNTIL I BUY THE WHOLE PLACE! Speaking of, Escargoon, get me another round.

Escargoon: You think he'd be suspicious after that Taranza guy showed up.

Back with you and Kirby...

The two of you made it into a factory where several more machines awaited!


Kirby used his Robobot Armor to copy data and get-

Kirby: POYO!!

(Y/N): Oh! Stone! Neato! That could help!

At the core...

???: INTRUDER ALERT!! Eliminate intruders!!

???: INTRUDER ALERT!! Eliminate intruders!!

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Holo Defense API

(Y/N): That's a security defense system? Bring it on!

Kirby: POYO!!

(Y/N): Woah! Easy with the language there.

It begins to create holo images of Kracko, Paintra, the Coily Rattler, and even Sectonia!

(Y/N): You think creating old enemies is going to help? We already beat them! Seriously, this is just as recyclable as the tree robot!

The four AI programs began to attack, but you and Kirby predictably avoided their attacks and took them down with so much ease!!

(Y/N): Ha!

The damage reflected right back to the defense system and it began to malfunction and crash down!

(Y/N): Pathetic! I really want to talk to whoever is in charge once we find them!

Kirby: Poyo.

(Y/N): Then let's go!

Shounen Hero (Book 9)!!!!!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now