Reunion and Confessions!!

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Back at the mansion...

You had returned back home along with the Digidestined, because you guys had a lot of catching up to do!

Both the Metallic Elvis Monkey and that damn psychotic wooden marionette were taken care of.

And well-

Kinue: It's so sweet to see my Sweetie catching up with his old friends from Summer Camp!

(Y/N): It was a lot more adventurous than what we expected. And well- I-

Kinue: My little boy has been growing up so much, just look at him!!


Joe: I still can't get how she looks so-

Kinue: Is there something you want to say Joe?

Matt quickly put his hands on Joe's mouth.

Matt: He didn't mean anything! Seriously! (To Joe) Isn't that right? You just don't know when to stop!

Joe: S-Sorry. I'll just not mention it.

Tai: Uh ... Ms. (L/N), thank you for making all this food, it's very nice of you. I guess.

Kinue: It's my pleasure Taichi, even (Y/N) gained my cooking abilities.

Mimi: Wait, he .. did?

She started picturing you cooking her different foods to eat.

Sora: I'd actually like to see (Y/N) cook something.

Kari: Me too.

You noticed that both of them were staring at you with blush on their faces.

(Y/N): You want to say anything Mei?

Mei: W-W-W-Well ... I ... I ....

(Y/N): She's a nervous wreck!!

Izzy: That's mostly because I calculated a 99.99 percent chance that she was into you (Y/N). The facts do not lie.

(Y/N): Seriously, do you have to make a calculation of every kind?

Izzy: It's my thing.

(Y/N): (sigh) I get the feeling that you ladies are hiding something other than a desire to taste what I make.

Tai: Yeah, Kari has a-

Kari: TAI!!

(Y/N): A crush on me?

Kari: (blushing) Y-Yeah.

You then turn to the guys.

(Y/N): Do Sora and Mimi also have a-

TK: Well ...

Matt: Of course they do.

Joe: Yeah, ever since we got back from the Digital World.

(Y/N): Of course. To be honest, I'm glad that's out. Age has made you all even cuter than you were before!

Sora: (blushing) T-Thanks.

Mimi: (swooning) (Y/N), I-

Hearts were forming above her head.

(Y/N): Mei, how about you?

Mei just nodded and smiled with a blush.

(Y/N): God, this day keeps getting better and better!

Eventually, you guys had group photos taken, with all your Digimon too!

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