The Crash!!

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As you guys continue to move through the castle, another tremor was felt. 

Ruby: Man, I've lost count of all of these tremors.

(Y/N): It won't matter anymore when we stop Bleck. 

Tippi: Blumiere... So it really is you...

(Y/N): You okay? 

Tippi: Ahem, uhhh... Let's just keep moving. We need to find Count Bleck soon...

As you guys go forward, well- 

Merlee?: How magnificent, you have arrived! I saw in the stars you would survive.

Jack: What the? 

Ruby: Hey! Merlee! 

Weiss: Why are you here? 

Rarity: How did you even get here? 

Merlee: Whatever is it that you imply? How could anyone wonder if it is I? Look at this lovely aura glow, does it not tell you all you need to know?

(Y/N): Okay, Mimi. This is really getting old. 

Mimi: NYAH!! 

She turns back to normal. 

Mimi: Why do you have to take the fun out of everything?! 

Blake: Who else could it be? 

Peach: Now knock it off! 

Mimi: Please, says the girl who has to keep getting saved all the tim- 

Peach: EXCUSE ME?! Everyone, stand back. 

Everyone: Pe- 

Peach: NOW!! 

You all just nod your heads. 

Mimi: Very well then. 

She begins to transform into her spider form. 

Mimi: MIIIIMIIII! Try not to cry, or all your pretty makeup will run. Time to go bye-bye, Princess!

She starts to fire the rubies out of her mouth, and use them as literal waves and buzzes to try and shred Peach apart, but Peach used her parasol to float by, and attack Mimi, and then slammed her frying pan onto the little brat over and over again, until she began to grow tired. 

Mimi: AGH! I can't believe I lost to a princess. 

Peach: What's wrong Mimi? Did I spank you too h- 

Then another tremor occurs! 

You all start moving ... but... 

The floor opens up, and Peach grabs Mimi! 

 Peach: Hmmmmppppph!

Mimi: You silly princess, what are you DOING?!

Peach: You may have been a big nuisance, but I'm not letting you die! Hang on! I- 

Her hands begin to slip, and they both fall down. 

In the next room... 

Jack: Peach? 

(Y/N): .... Come on. I'm sure Peach will be fine. She's proven throughout this whole adventure, she can take care of herself in situations like this. 

You didn't like to leave her behind, but you had to have faith. Stopping Count Bleck was top priority. 

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