Attack of the Cute Spider!!

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You guys have journeyed into the basement of the mansion, where Merlee was supposedly located.

Tippi: The Pure Heart is near... I feel its tremors so much more strongly down here...

(Y/N): Alright!

Ruby: That must mean Merlee is here!

Twilight: Killing two birds with one stone!

(Y/N): Now all we have to do is find her!

???: Ah! Hooray! Whoopee! Thanks for coming to look for me!

A spirit of a woman appeared.

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Merlee: Beautiful, mysterious Merlee! Mistress of the house, it's me! So glad it's you I see! So long I've waited for you. Your arrival is well past due. But we can't meet like this, oh no, for something's amiss. An evil one is after me, and safe and sound I cannot be.

Sunset: So, it is true. Merlee is in trouble.

(Y/N): Merlee, where are you?

Merlee: In the basement do I dwell, mazelike rooms are my cell, you will find me, I can tell... And...if you do, take care... For...your eyes...may err... Trust nothing...foul...or fair...

She starts to fade out.

Merlee: No... I cannot...last... My The to find me? Beware... if you do, I plea... ...  .. ... ..  .  .  ..   ....  .. ...  .  ... ..  .. .... .. . . . ..   . .  .. .... . .

Then she disappeared.

Tippi: Was that really her?

(Y/N): I hope so. Given what happened back with Mimi, I'm really scared about what could happen.

Peach: Then let's get going!

She takes out her parasol and frying pan.

Peach: I'm ready for action!

Yang: Peach is really taking the hero role seriously!

(Y/N): In the cutest way!

Peach: Awwwww!!

After going through a maze-like series of doors...

You guys find Merlee!

Merlee: Mysterious and so lovely, mistress of the house you see... It's me, Merlee! I shine on, such is my lot, a sun to those fate to me brought... And I knew that soon I'd see you buzz on by, little bees. Hee hee hee hee hee!

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