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It was a chilly summers night, the wind howling as the small diner slightly shook

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It was a chilly summers night, the wind howling as the small diner slightly shook. I was working my usual night shift. The owner has a thing to overwork and underpay his female employees, I'm convinced he just hates anyone who doesn't feed into toxic masculinity. I'm bummed about the money but a job is a job. Since I've been working the night shift it hasn't left me with much time to see my sweet boyfriend. He's a basketball player, he's not the best on the team but he's on it for a reason. He's the type that'll be like "this one is for you babe" only to completely miss. I used to go to all his games before my hours changed. He always just smiles, hugs me and tells me he understands and that it's fine but I know how disappointed he really is. I miss seeing him play, I miss seeing him and his team try their best to win.

I continuously glance up at the clock, I sigh as I see only a minute has passed. I bang my head down on the freshly cleaned counter top. My shift had started at 4pm and finishes around 1am-ish. I work overtime in order to carry just a touch bit more money, but with longer hours comes feelings of loneliness. As of now, I want nothing more than to just embrace the love of my life.
I pick my head up from the table as I stare off at the neon lights covering the room. It's a pretty dinner, nice wooden floors, fairy lights, comfy seats, and overall clean. If I hadn't started working here I wouldn't know any better than to eat here, but with the job comes the perks of knowing what they do to their food. I'm surprised this place hasn't been shut down, or at least had the manager arrested. To put it shortly, he isn't exactly a great guy, or a good guy or an okay guy.

I was so preoccupied by my thoughts I hadn't heard the bell to the door jingle. I had only noticed the person as I turned around. I scream, dropping everything i was holding in the process. The strange figure flinched at the sudden loud noise.
My eyes widen as I saw the figure sweetly smile at me whilst giving me a small wave. "Aether! what're you doing here?". I question as he rubs the back of his neck with his hand. He smiles before answering "I wanted to tell you in person that my team won". He smiled. I narrow my eyes at him and smile. I excitedly smile at him, jumping at him unexpectedly hugging him.

I shmush his cute cheeks together as I smother his face in kisses. He blushes bashfully as he looks away nervously.

"That's not the only reason you're here though, is it?". I tilt my head still smiling. He bashfully turns his head away as he mumbles something incoherent.
"huh, I'm sorry what was that again?". I tease smiling like an idiot. "I just kind of missed you at the game, and wanted to see you." He blushes slightly.
I jump into his arms, planting kisses all over his face, his head, nose, cheeks and lastly his lips. We part as we stare at each other lovingly. He rests his forehead against mine as he closes his eyes, basking in the moment. He always finds a way to make me smile, even if while doing nothing but looking at me or holding my hand.

He pulls away and walks to the corner of the room where the jukebox sits. He clicks something a couple of times before the song "don't go breaking my heart" plays by Elton John and Kiki Dee.
He extends his hand to me "care to join me for a dance, m'lady?" he winks. "why I'd be delighted, good sir". I laugh in response as I take his hand.
He twirls me around into his chest, pulling me closer to him. I lay my head on his shoulder as he lays his in the crevice of my neck. We fall into step, letting the rhythm control our movements. He starts mumbling along to the words.

"Don't go breaking my heart"
'I couldn't if I tried" I joined
"oh, honey if I get restless"
"baby you're not the kind"
everything felt as if it was melting, as if the world had dissolved around us.
Stupid smiles painted our faces as we basked in each other's presence.
He uses his hand to tilt my chin up slightly, he narrows his eyes slightly as he smirks. His lips kiss my forehead. I chuckle as I bring my face closer to his. "you missed" I whisper as I peck his lips.

807 words! 😀
i love Elton john so much! This song just squeezes at my heart! 😭 thanks for reading! 🫶

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