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lightning beamed lustrously, illuminating the sky in an array of different purply colours as moments later thunder crackled, disrupting the tranquil nightfall

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lightning beamed lustrously, illuminating the sky in an array of different purply colours as moments later thunder crackled, disrupting the tranquil nightfall. The tv barely audible as buckets of rain poured loudly outside, the wind howled shamelessly, shaking everything in sight. Candles rested on every flat surface possible, a warm, comforting smell swirled in the air. The windows were fogged, water droplets fall onto the windowsill. "NO Ohmygod!" frustration, desperation, filled my voice; my voice was soar from screaming all night but that thought lingered no more than a few seconds before another blood- curdling scream filled the air.

My eyes intensely watched the tv in anticipation. My favourite character, my soulmate, was in the middle of a brutal fight with his "enemy" and was losing pretty spectacularly. He was beaten and bruised, blood spilled past his lips as his knees wobbled. The "bad guy" threw punch after punch until finally his knees gave up. There he sat kneeled and motionless. His face contorted into one of pain as he threw up blood.
"NOOO!" another scream pushed past my lips, I couldn't help it. I jump up onto my feet as I pace anxiously. They can't die, there are still 2 seasons left. My eyes widened as i watch the state of my favourite character worsen in a matter of seconds.

I dropped to my knees and put my hands up, praying, to any and every god I could think of, to not allow this to be the end. My favourite character laid motionless, the only movements were the little breaths of air he was inhaling. "I swear to god, you HAVE to stay awake!". "Don't you give up on me!" I continued to scream as tears welled up in my eyes, my hand found it way over my heart.

I was too caught up in my whining and whaling that I hadn't realised the strange individual leaning against the door way, watching me. "What the hell are you doing you fucking moron". My husband muttered out in bafflement, I slowly turn my head in his direction, my eyes red and glossy as his glare at me. I shakily point my finger at the tv set as I mutter incoherent bullshit. He replied with was a scoff, his laugh erupting loudly, he bent over holding his stomach as he snorted. "Don't laugh! This is some serious stuff! He might die!". I whine, which ended him laughing even more.

"Aw, I think it's a bit too late for that. Look, he's already dead. See, he stopped breathing". He states while pointing his finger at the tv.
"NOOOOOOOO!" I spin around forcefully, almost losing my balance as i look at the screen to see him to still be breathing. I turn my head slowly to glare at him, his face holds the most shit eating grin as he laughs again.

"awe, God, you can be such an idiot". He crackled evilly as he struts outside the room towards the kitchen. My legs can't seem to help themselves as I march up to him, jumping on his back. I start lightly hitting him, stupid, idiot, dummy, asshole, insults seem to slip from my mouth continuously as he laughs. "Stop, that!" he giggles lightly, spinning around in attempt to get me off his back. I hug him tighter than before, one of my arms rests comfortably around his neck as the other goes up to mess with his hair. Laughter fills the air, smiles adorned our faces.

He pulls his arms up to my waist to lightly pinch at my sides, a laugh erupts past my lips. His playful hands lay still on my waist as he stands still, my head rests in the crook of his neck, our eyes close as we bask in each-others presence, my hands that were once messing and tugging his hair start playing with it softly. I slide down off his back as he turns around to face me. His arms rest on my shoulders, he bends down slightly, he looks at me, smiling slightly as he leans in, his forehead connects with mine. My hands find their way to his cheeks, cupping the gently as he brings one of his hands off from my shoulder to one of my hands, placing his over my own. He looks at me, his eyes refuse to leave my own as he brings my hand to his lips, kissing it sweetly. Butterflies swarm my stomach as he slides both his hands slowly down my body to the back of my thighs.

"jump". He quietly whispers. I follow his command as I jump up, wrapping my legs around his waist as my arms wrap around his neck. He slowly makes his way towards the couch, carefully plopping me down as he climbs on top of me. His head finds its place on my chest as his hands find their way around my waist. His breaths fan my collarbone, as he leaves little kisses along my skin, he slowly makes his way up my neck, nipping my jaw slightly as he kisses the sides of my mouth. Our faces edge closer together, centimetres apart as he stares at me, finally leaning down to connect his lips on my own. The world seems to stop as he gently nibbles on my bottom lip. My hands play with the ends of his hair as his pulls my leg to hug his waist. His hand rest comfortably on my thigh, gripping it slightly as he continues to kiss me. Breathless moans leave his mouth as he pulls away, our lips slightly still brushed against each other as our breaths mix.

He brings his head to my neck, sucking lightly on the skin, my legs still wrapped around his waist as his hand leaves my thighs to caress my face. Brushing stray pieces of hair from my face, he leans up, examining his work.

"please" I whine, I just want to feel his lips on my own again. To have his hands caress me.

"Please what? Use your words." He kisses my jaw slightly, his teeth slightly nipping my skin.

"please, touch me"

"so dirty, but if you really want me to"

1036 words! i've written about scaramouche so much but he's so easy to write tho! i got my first comment on another scaramouche oneshot i did. and i am soo happy!!!! it's my first ever comment! so thank you so much!!!
Thank you for reading!!! 💗

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