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"Hello?" a calm voice called out, I look up towards the unfamiliar individual, in-front of me stood a long-silver haired boy

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"Hello?" a calm voice called out, I look up towards the unfamiliar individual, in-front of me stood a long-silver haired boy. His long locks cascaded down his back messily, his hair framed his face perfectly, his eyes stared at mine as I googled at him. I felt lost looking at his beauty, so lost he started waving his in-front of my face. Snapping out of my daze I clear my throat. "Hi, hey, are you by any chance interested in adopting Cocoa, today?" I ask hopefully, Cocoa has had trouble getting adopted lately. The male nods and ne kneels down to pat the dog.

"I like dogs, did you come up with name?" He speaks lazily, sentences missing certain words. "Ah, no, a co-worker came up with the totally original name and it's kind of stuck, anyway, this here is Cocoa, he's a very boisterous trouble maker, but as of lately he's been a bit down." I state, patting the dogs back as the strange individual pat Cocoa's head and ears. "You don't adopt him?" the stranger tilts his head, eyes looking into mine. "Oh, um, I would love to, it's just uhm, I'm not allowed pets where I live. Otherwise I'd adopt every dog in here" I laugh to myself. The male nods, turning his attention back towards to dog.

"Do you have any pets? I mean I'd think not but you could have more than one, not saying you couldn't, a lot of people have more than one pet, dogs and cats, guinea pigs and cats, dogs and snak-" I keep my gaze on the dog as my mouth can't seem to shut up. "I don't, that's why I'm here" he interrupts my rambling.

"You are young, my age?" He stares. His red eyes pierce into mine, making me a bit nervous. "I'm not supposed to tell you my age, you know, stranger danger and all." I beam. "I'm razor, 19, now not stranger." He added. Smartass, I roll my eyes playfully, a smile grazes my lips. "Hello Razor of 19 years, I'm y/n of 20 years, it's nice to meet you." I chortle, extending my hand towards him, he looks at my hand then back at me, before grabbing my hand gently. His hand felt soft and cold. He pulls his hand away, focusing on the dog yet again.

"Nice to meet you, y/n" he smiles slightly. "You like to go out with me? To park maybe? With Cocoa?" he looks away, a slight tint of blush adorns his cheeks and ears, his hands fettle restless with one another, impatiently awaiting an answer. "Like a date? Or just so I can see Cocoa again." I tilt my head, a smile creeps upon my face. "So, you see Cocoa again, and me?" he looks me in the eyes, his red eyes refuse to leave mine. "I would love to, Razor."

488 words
i don't like this one because i sorta half assed it but i had to write something. It's sorta cute but i feel as if i can do a lot better. but nonetheless i still hope you like it!
thank you for reading!!

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