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!TW! joints, toxic partners, bad decisions, 16+ ish??
please don't do drugs, smoke or drink while driving!!!
stay safe y'all! if any of you guys are struggling or need someone to listen to you or talk to, i'm always here to listen 💗

pov starts with scara!!

Gangsta Yo shitface, how am I getting in? Old school,Climb in through your bedroom window like that spider guy manOr front door like some basic common loser?                                                                                          ...

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Yo shitface, how am I getting in? Old school,
Climb in through your bedroom window like that spider guy man
Or front door like some basic common loser?

                                            Threw the door? obviously


                                                stop fucking correcting
                                                 Its annoting asf

Spell shit correctly and I won't have to.
Also, while you're at it, learn the difference between,
Their, there and they're.


                                     u text like a old person ffs
                                     its fucking stupid
                                    just hurry up I don't like.                                 

And don't say k. It hurts my head.


The clocks hand moved as the seconds passed, a repetitive ticking filled the silent room. The moonlight drowned the room in light, illuminating the dark loungeroom. I had finished chatting with my boyfriend, being bored of our conversation and his spelling. When Ajax texts him, he always corrects Ajax's and my spelling which is his worst quality.
We've been dating for a couple months now and ironically it was Ajax who introduced us. I liked Ajax back in the day but he didn't feel the same, so I did the healthy thing and moved on-ish. I still share some feelings towards Ajax, and something tells me, Scara knows. I didn't mean to date Scara whilst still being infatuated with Ajax, Scara was supposed to be nothing more than a rebound, someone I could use to forget ajax but he didn't want a relationship such as, friends with benefits or me just calling him anytime I needed him in a way I couldn't have Ajax. The only reason I agreed to be his "girlfriend", was nothing more than for a distraction.

A small knock landed on the door, jolting, I open it to see Scara standing at my front door. His mouth slightly upturned as he gives a small wave. "I thought I told you to text me, I can't have my siblings or parents knowing you're here." I push him slightly out of the door way, denying him access to enter. I glare at him at him as his smile wavers. He stands there silently for a couple of seconds, thinking of what to say. His mouth opens then closes again, he says nothing. "Listen, I actually have to talk to you, it's about Ajax." He steps back as I close the door behind me. The wind messing my hair and clothing, sending goose-bumps all over my body." Here". He mutters almost silently as he drapes his bomber jacket over my shoulders. I cling it to my body as I look him in his eyes.

"We need to end what ever pathetic thing we have going on, I never intended on being in a relationship with you, I just needed a distraction but to be quite frank, you aren't exactly a good one." I come clean, it sounded a bit harsher then I intended but it had to be said. He looks to the side, avoiding my eyes. His jawline illuminated by the light of the moon, his hair perfectly framing his face. He's attractive, I'll give him that, but he's a bore. He's awkward to be around and he has no experience in bed.
"I don't think it would be fair to keep you around, not for you and definitely not for myself, I deserve better." He nods along before excusing himself, He walks down to his parked car, before jumping in and driving away. Good grief.

I could feel the wind blow through my hair, the streets were quiet and empty, on contrast to how they were hours prior. Instead of people flooding the roads and streets, animals did. It was calm and serine. I needed calm, my house was filled with drunk strangers, yabbying off my ears with their interminable stupid stories and sexist jokes that they perceived as "funny". I needed a break, I needed to be alone. An old playground came into view, the perfect place to be alone, no children would be creeping around, screaming, yelling or crying.
I just want to relax, lay somewhere and watch the sky, sleep, anything, just not to go back to that damn house. I got atop of the slide and laid down. Closing my eyes, I drifted off to sleep, no worries laced within my head.

The sound of sniffling run through my ears, I shift in my sleep, turning my head to the direction of the sound. A young boy sat on one of the two swings, smoking?
"Yo, kid, ya 'know smoking kills? As well as second hand smoke." He turns his head in my direction, he stares at me, no uttering a single word, his eyes glossy and red. "How high are you?" I snicker as I rub the sleep out of my eyes, in hopes of tricking him. My amusement short lived as he mumbles a "I'm not stupid, asshole". I sigh as I slide off the roof of the slide, I make my way next to him as I take my seat on the swing beside his.

"So, what brings you here? you sad, sad little man" he sends me a glare as I nervously laugh. "What's it matter to you? Free entertainment? Go find it elsewhere, prick" he takes a slow drag of his joint, blowing the smoke out through his nose, tilting his head back. I gawk at his side profile. My head races with 4 continuous words, he is so pretty.
"Who better to talk to about your problems then a stranger? It's not like we know or will ever see one another again. I mean I don't wanna force you into sharing with me what's got ya all messed up but I'm not leaving you in this state." He looks at me sighing, rolling his eyes a bit, he clears his throat as he tells me all about his now "ex-girlfriend". He passes me the joint, whilst I take in everything he told me. "Wow doesn't she sound lovely." I joke, he smiles in return.

"Worst part is, she still had my jacket. That jacket is my favourite jacket, and she has it." He sounds so cooked. "That's the worst part?" I take a drag of the joint, the smoke burns my mouth as I cough a little.
"yeaa, I love that jacket" he breaths.
"Well, why don't we get it back? Ohhhh~ we could egg her house! I've always wanted to egg a horrible person's house! Plus, we've known each other for 'bout 10 minutes." I laugh, he suddenly stands up, offering me a hand. "Well, why don't we, fuck that bitch." He at first said with enthusiasm but his face soon contorted into a grimace, regretting the name the had called her. He still loved her. I could see it in his eyes and the way he spoke about her. This poor broken-hearted man.

"Are you sure you wanna do that?" I tilt my head slightly. He nods enthusiastically. Grabbing my hand tightly as he leads me to his car. As his car comes into view, my head starts debating with itself. Am I really, truly about to get into a stranger's car? Yes, why? Cause he's hot.
We drive through the dark streets, windows down, music turned up, joint in hand. This was just the thing I needed, a distraction.
"Damn if only Ajax were here now, I'm sure he'd love you." I giggle, hair swooshing in the wind. The car comes to a sudden holt. I feel my body jolt forward, we come to a painful stop. I look up at him confused. "hey you alr- "
"You know Ajax?" he interjects, interrupting me. We share a look of confusion. "Do you?" I question in return.

1297 words! i don't like this story as much but i do hope to write a part 2? i really hope y'all liked it!
thank you for reading!!!! 🫶

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