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!valentine's day special! 💗

The cold air stung at my lungs as I raced to the bus stop

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The cold air stung at my lungs as I raced to the bus stop. The air foggy and damp, a nice refreshing contrast to the overbearingly hot weather we've been having lately. I run across the road as strangers already waiting at the bus stopped watch. A teenager hopelessly running and dodging cars on a busy road while getting honked and cursed at is far more entertaining and amusing to some, then staring off at nothing in boredom.

I made it to the bus stop with a couple minutes to spare. Instead of feeling hot and sweaty a chill runs down my spine. Goosebumps arise on my skin, my arm hair standing proud and tall. I hate being late to school, walking to your classes late while everyone looks at you as you hopelessly search the room in order to find a vacant seat.  It's nerve wracking. I want to get to school a little early so I can find my dear friend Gorou. It just so happens that today is valentine's day, and just like a cliché I had fallen for him, who honestly wouldn't though?

I have liked him for a little while, I didn't really figure it out until a little while ago. Today is the perfect opportunity to tell him. I had self-made a card just for the occasion. The cards red with a heart on the front with a small picture of us with glitter all around it. Inside is a small poem I had written with a bunch of small stars surrounding the words. On the back the words "Happy Valentine's Day" sat written in glitter. One-time last year, Gorou and I went stargazing, it was around two in the morning, we were surrounded by nothing but the stars and each other, the experience was so ethereal that coming up with a gift idea was hard. After a lot of failed ideas, I finally came across one that I fell in love with. I came across a website where you can actually buy your very own star in the sky. The price was a bit heafty but I just hoped he'd love it.

I saved up for a month, just to afford it. I wanted his gift to have meaning, something he could always cherish, not just a box of chocolates that would be gone within a couple of seconds. I wanted it so he could have his own place in the sky. I had thought of saying to him as I give him the gift, my love for you burns like the brightest star within the sky but my sister laughed at me saying that it was cringey.

My hands start sweating as the bus pulls up, we all find our way on and to an empty seat. I look out the window as I listen to my music. Music always finds a way to calm me. My heart feels as though it'll jump from my chest.
It was still very early in the morning, the moon still hanging in the sky, the sky painted by hues of pink and orange. A gentle breeze sways the trees, street lamps still on, no clouds in sight.
The bus came to a halt as I give my thanks to the bus driver and hop down the steps of the bus. I start making my way up the small hill that lead me to my school. I always hate walking up this hill, I hate walking up any hill really.

The gate to the school comes into my view as other kids in various grades walk out. I walk down to my class as I wait in the hall way, I stand in-front of my friends' locker, waiting for Gorou. My locker had previously been stolen by a couple of guys so now I am unfortunately locker-less. I entertain myself with my phone replying to a couple of messages I had failed to return back at home.
"Hey y/n! you're here early!" a voice calls out as I feel arms around my waist and a head on my shoulder. "Hey Gorou! How're you doing on this fine morning?" I laugh as he slightly picks me up, spinning me softly around. "Oh, you know the normal, tired from studying last night though but it must be done." He reply's as he gently places me down on the ground again, I turn to face him as I smile in return. "You didn't do the homework, did ya?" tilting his head suspiciously. "What's the point? I didn't understand it in class so there's no way I'm gonna understand it at home."

." I answer honestly, physics were never my thing, too much math.
"Oh, you're so gonna get a detention! you're a dumbass, you could've asked me for help, y'know, I am smart right." He sighs. "Eh, doesn't matter now" I shrug.
"So, do ya know what day today is?" I ask happily. "I d-". "Of course, you do! Who am I kidding!" I interject. "I actually have a little something for someone, I just hope they like it." He laughs nervously. I keep my smile on my face as I ask on. "What do ya have? Awe and for whom?"

"It's for this girl in my cooking class, she's got this smile, and her laugh! She's so hard working and determined. I think I might be in love! I decided on telling her today, I just hope she feels the same for me as well." He puts a hand behind his neck as he closes his eyes, I lightly punch his shoulder, earning a yelp from him, ears twitching. "Of course, she'll feel the same! She'd be dumb not to. Now instead of standing here talking to me, go find her!" I urge. His tail slightly wags as he speeds off, yelling his thanks as he goes to the girl he loves.

I take the card from my bag, as I stare at it, feeling dejected and dumb. I rip the card in half as I discard it in the bin, how stupid of me to assume he'd feel the same way. I make my way to the hallway door, as I exit, the once refreshing air burns. So, this is what heartbreak feels like, I knew it hurt but I didn't realise it would hurt this badly.
As I make my way to the school gates i see my love and his love kissing, they separate slightly, pressing their foreheads together. Guess she reciprocated his love. Tears fall from my eyes as I exit the school, my smile finally dropping. I guess it wasn't meant to be.

Dear Gorou,

You came into my life like a shooting star.
    Unexpectedly, Beautifully.
         And lit up my whole sky.                                                 
           I almost gave up on love, but the universe gave me                         a gentle reminder,
      That the best is yet to come.
           All I had to do was look up and see it for myself.

love,   Y/n

1185 words!
Happy Valentine's Day to all!!!
i really hope you enjoyed!!

thank you for reading!! 💗

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