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mon, feb 2.

days until the dance: 12

"Hey, Biana! Have you heard about the Valentine's Day dance next Friday?!" Someone tapped me on the shoulder.

I turned around to see my friend, Marella Redek. Her face lit up and her eyes widened.

"Yes, I have," I sighed, "that's all anyone's been going on about this morning."

Ever since our school, Foxfire High, had announced yesterday that they'd be hosting a dance next week to celebrate Valentine's Day, it was pretty much the hot topic of all conversations.

"Miss Vacker! Tardy, again!" Mrs. Galvin told me off as I walked into Chemistry class. In my defense, some people were just slow walkers! Or, had talkative friends!

"Sorry..." I mumbled as I shuffled to my seat beside the back window. My best friend, Sophie, discreetly passed me a note folded into tiny squares when I walked past, and I groaned when I read it.

Meet me after school by my locker. We're having dinner at my house tonight, to discuss outfit ideas for the dance!!

- S

I'll admit- I loved dances, or parties and gatherings of any kind. I was pretty much what you'd call a 'social butterfly.'

But this Valentine's Day dance was getting on my nerves- the main reason being that no one had asked me to go yet. I guess dates were something I stressed a lot about. And to make things worse, the dance was next week. What if someone didn't ask me? How embarrassing would that be?!

"Miss Vacker?" Mrs. Galvin's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. "Answer me, please!" She had evidently been calling my name, and was pretty irritated.

"Sorry, what was the question?" I yawned by accident while talking, and everyone laughed.

"I asked, if you combined potassium bromide and chlorine, what type of reaction would it make?" Mrs. Galvin crossed her arms and tapped her shoe on the floor.

"Um..." I bit my lip, racking my brain, "Er-"

"Miss!" Sophie raised her hand, saving me from Mrs. Galvin's wrath. "A displacement reaction would occur!"

"That is correct, Miss Foster," Mrs. Galvin huffed and stalked back to her desk. I breathed a sigh of relief and shot Sophie a grateful smile.

"Hey, Vacker," A student behind me hissed once Mrs. Galvin was out of earshot.

Without turning my head to check who it was, I sighed. "What do you want, Stina?"

"I need my homework done! No one's agreed to do it, and Mrs. Galvin's set it so that it's due tomorrow!"

"Homework was invented so that the students themselves could test their knowledge elsewhere." I rolled my eyes.

Stina grumbled something about 'Miss Pretty Face' under her breath and went to find someone else to bother.

BRING! The bell rang just at that moment, signaling it was time for lunch break. I gathered up my stuff and stuffed it in my bag. Then I rushed out the room, shuddering. That subject would be the death of me!

"BIANA!" I turned around to see Sophie sprinting out of the classroom to catch up with me. "S- Slow down, next time!" She panted. I smiled apologetically back.

"Anyway- Excited for the dance?" Sophie asked eagerly as we ambled into the dining hall and lined up to get lunch.

"Totally." I replied sarcastically, balancing a tray. "Honestly, I'm so tired of hearing people talk about it- I mean, it's a whole week away, calm down, people!"

Sophie giggled teasingly, filling up her tray with a colorful assortment of foods, "You know, Bi, it's so unlike you to dread dances!"

I rolled my eyes playfully, and piled my tray up with food.

It was true, though- I was usually excited at the prospect of a school dance, but now that I realized I might not be asked out, the thought of it made me sick.

Sophie and I walked and talked as we made our way to our usual table, laughing about how Valin had agreed to do Stina's Chemistry homework.

"Hey," Tears coming out of my eyes because I was laughing so hard, "wasn't Valin the one who got on one knee and asked you to the dance?"

By this time, we were near our table, and I noticed Sophie -no longer howling with laughter- staring, as if something had changed.

"What happened?" I stopped laughing and glanced around.

I gasped, realizing someone else was sitting at our table- Fitz, my older brother, was saying something to a good-looking guy and a girl who looked like his twin, both frozen in mid-chew, gaping back at us with wide eyes...

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