403 11 6

monday, feb 9

days until the dance: 5

"Class dismissed!" Mrs. Dara called just as the bell rung, signaling the end of Math class and dismissing the long line of students waiting to exit the classroom


I slammed the door of my locker and turned to see Victor Cloche leaning against the wall casually. Yep, the Victor!

"Oh, hey." I said with false carelessness, lifting my heavy bag of textbooks onto my shoulder.

Victor stuffed his hands in his pockets, which was a shame, 'cause they sure were hot. "What's good?"

I shrugged and smiled sweetly at him. "You being here."

Victor threw his blond head back and laughed. "You going to the dance this Friday?"

I shrugged again, faking indifference. "I dunno. Probably."

He raised his eyebrows and, unlike Tam, got the hint. "Wanna go together?"

"With you? Not until I get your number." 

Victor laughed again and withdrew his phone from the back pocket of his trousers. Our school uniform sucked, but he managed to make it look good. 

He handed it to me after opening the Contacts app. "Just type in your number and we can talk after school."

I grasped the phone eagerly and added a new contact for him, using biana x 💗👑 as the contact name. Who knew this could be so easy? And who knew what we would become?

Victor grinned when he saw the contact name I'd added but didn't change it, slipping it back into his pocket. "Anyway, I'll see you around."

I nodded, turning to get to class and calling over my shoulder, "Text me!"

"I will!" Victor promised and disappeared into the sea of students.

This left me with a dreamy look in my eyes and not a lot of time to get to class- to make matters worse, I bumped straight into Tam. And the frown he wore told me that he'd overheard the conversation between Victor and I.

I opened my mouth to say hi but then closed it, choosing to ignore him and continuing my jog down the hallway to get to English on time. When I looked back over my shoulder at the end of the hall, he was still standing there in shock, gaping at me.

And to make matters even worse, I walked right into Linh. Yeah- both Song twins in the same hallway.

"Did you just bump into my brother and then ignore him?" Linh had an amused expression on her face but her eyes were cold.

"Uh... No?" For the first time, I, Biana Vacker, was at loss for words.

"Look, it's cool," Linh patted my shoulder in an obvious attempt at reassurance, "but the blind date tonight is off."

I frowned. "How come? Don't tell me it's because of Tam."

"And don't tell me it's not because of Tam." She shot back. Then she took a deep breath and continued, "Fitz asked me out yesterday afternoon."

My jaw dropped. "Wow! Congrats!"

A small smile spread across Linh's face. "Thanks, I guess. I'm glad you're okay with it- y'know, because he's your brother and all."

I wrapped my arm around Linh and gave her a side hug, all bad feelings forgotten. "Of course I'm okay with it! The guy I set you up with for the blind date was actually Fitz."

Now it was Linh's jaw's turn to drop. "Really? Well, maybe we could do the date after all..."

I raised my eyebrows.

"I mean, if that's okay." Linh said quickly. "Sorry about all the trouble you've gone into."

"Of course it's alright. I would invite you over to get ready, but y'know... You're dating my brother!" I joked.

Linh giggled and adopted a hazy expression, murmuring to herself in disbelief, "I'm dating your brother..."

I resisted the urge to laugh and pushed Linhh into class. But not before glancing over my shoulder- Tam was still standing, motionless, at the end of the hallway, his expression a mix of emotions. 

Linh probably hadn't told him about Fitz.

Before I could slip into class myself, he caught my eye, his own silvery blue ones switching between different emotions by the second. Fear, anger, then embarrassment, and finally settling on sadness.

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