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sunday, feb 8

days until the dance: 6

"This one?" Marella held a blue dress up against her body. Then she took another dress off the rack that looked almost identical and held it up beside the first one. "Or this one?"

I bit my lip. "First one. Definitely. The corset matches your body shape, and the color really suits you!"

Marella's face lit up as she dropped the second dress and hurried into the changing rooms with the first one. "Thanks, Bi!" She called over her shoulder.

"How does this look?" Sophie emerged a few seconds later from the changing rooms, twirling around in a swishy red dress, looking uncomfortable.

"The best! Red is definitely your color," I gushed. "You should totally get this one."

Sophie's cheeks turned pink and she looked down, tugging at the fabric.

"You look like you just shit yourself, though," I joked, laughing along with Sophie until she spotted a dress behind me.

"Oh my gosh," Sophie tripped over her feet, rushing to pull the dress off the hanger. "This is it!"

She passed the dress over and I took a closer look at it, a smile spreading across my face. I'd forgotten how much I loved shopping for dresses- Gazing at the lavender tulle somehow seemed to make me temporarily forget everything that had happened this week.

"I think... I think I'm gonna try it on!" My smile growing by the second as Sophie pushed me toward the changing rooms.

I slipped into one of the stalls and pulled the dress on carefully, admiring the layers of fabric in the mirror, swishing this way and that. Maybe I was more excited for the dance than I thought?

"How is it?" I hurried out of my stall and the changing rooms completely, twirling around to show Sophie and Marella the flower buds suspended within the fabric near the bottom of the dress.

"You look pretty."

I stopped mid-twirl, jaw dropping and cheeks reddening when I realized I hadn't been showing my friends the dress- I looked around to see them on the other side of the store, trying on shoes.

"Uh- What're you doing here?" I asked meekly, trying to weave a few strings of confidence into my words but taking a step back.

Tam crossed his arms, taking a step toward me. I took another step back, slamming into the mirror beside the changing rooms. "I'm helping Linh shop for dresses. Just 'cause you don't show up to places, it doesn't mean I don't."

"Well, that's nice!" I squeaked, my body pressed against the mirror.

His silvery blue eyes -I'd never noticed the uniqueness of them until now- bore into mine. "Is it? Even after you didn't turn up yesterday?"

I smoothed down the skirt of my dress and scooted to the side, off the mirror, regaining the strength I'd momentarily lost. "I had my reasons. And I wasn't able to access my phone. Happy?"

But Tam looked far from happy. Instead, he ripped a hand through his dark hair, a frown replacing the earlier sarcastic smile on his face. "No, actually. Couldn't you have texted my later, at least?"

I opened my mouth but no words came out. How could I explain to him that I was too afraid to face him after?

I'm a terrible person.

Tam huffed, and once it was clear I wasn't going to respond, just hang my head in shame, he patted me on the shoulder and started walking into the changing rooms, presumably to find Linh. "You know what," He called over his shoulder. "Save it. Just don't talk to me. It's totally fine with me."

Once he disappeared into the stalls, however, I couldn't help a tear from trickling down my cheek. And then another. And another- Until I was fully sobbing, crouched on the floor beside the mirror of the changing rooms helplessly.

"Bi?" I felt an arm wrap around me. "What happened?" When I didn't answer, Sophie continued to comfort me. "Marella went to pay for our dresses- She'll be back in a few minutes. Do you want to talk later?"

I shrugged, bringing my sobs into sniffles and accepting the tissue she offered. How could I tell her I didn't deserve all this kindness? That I was a horrible and heartless person?

"Look, life is a bitch." Sophie pulled me up from the ground, steering me into the changing rooms. "You just have to push through and get over the obstacles. Okay?"

I nodded and she nudged me into one of the stalls, shutting the door behind me. I turned, staring at myself in the mirror. Just a few minutes ago I was gazing at my reflection in awe, admiring the dress, but now when I peered into the mirror, I saw a heartbroken, tear streaked girl, hair hung limply down her back, sporting a crumpled lavender dress.

In other words- The opposite of how I'd been before Tam.

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