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wed, feb 4.

days until the dance: 10

It was Wednesday afternoon and I was suffering through History, the last period of the day.

"...This led France, the USA, Britain, and Italy to sign a peace treaty..." Mr. Beckett droned on.

I yawned loudly and rested my head on my hands.

There was a week until the dance and I still didn't have a date. Okay, maybe I was overreacting, but... Usually, a bunch of people asked me out.

I was cursing Stina for taking that stupid picture.

But then again- If anyone other than Tam had asked me out, I probably would've said no.

"Miss Vacker?" I lifted my head to see everyone staring at me. Mr. Beckett was hurriedly scribbling something down on a lined notepad.

I was pretty sure it was about my 'continuously unacceptable behavior.' 

"Sorry," I mumbled, "what did you say?"

Mr. Beckett crossed his arms. "The question was why you were sleeping when some serious material that could help you on the test coming up was being given."

Crap. We had a test soon?

"Erm- I wasn't sleeping... I was just-"

In my defense, the stuffy classroom was perfect for taking a nap, and Mr. Beckett's lectures made everyone drowsy.

"Then what were you doing? Just snoring with your head on the table? What a normal thing to do in class." Mr. Beckett said sarcastically.

I thought this dude was just a boring History teacher.

I guess I shouldn't always judge a book by its cover- This guy was turning out to be much more of a grouch.

"It won't happen again." I promised, resisting the urge to roll my eyes.

Mr. Beckett huffed, turned around, and stumbled back to his desk. Then he settled into his comfy chair -one that I would much rather be sleeping in- and continued lecturing.

I slumped down in my chair and suddenly had the feeling that someone was staring at me- You know, the creeping gut feeling that you're being watched?

I shuddered and turned my head at all angles to see who it was -of course, I had to keep my hair intact, so it took a while- and to my surprise, and happiness, it was Tam, sitting at the desk right behind me.

He smirked and leaned over -my heart suddenly started to beat twice as fast- to murmur in my ear, "'I wasn't sleeping'? That's the best you can do?"

My face flushed- But not just with embarrassment. "Shut up- It's not like you could think of anything better. Besides, I was going easy on him. I'm nice to all senior citizens."

Tam snorted. "If he's a senior citizen, we're middle aged."

"And we are!" I protested. "I mean, we could be- Come to think of it, everything is relative."

Tam smirked- This guy seemed to really be acting more and more like Keefe. I could tell why they seemed to hate each other so much now. "You're cute when you're all flustered, you know that?"

I reddened even more- I wasn't sure how that was even possible.

Someone beside us cleared their throat.

I turned to see Stina glaring at us. "Please -enough PDA, you two- I'm sure there're better places you guys can flirt in. Privately."

I glanced over at Tam. At least I wasn't the only one blushing now.

"Just go away, Stina." I sighed.

"Excuse me?" Stina shot back. "In case you don't remember, we're in class. I can't just leave."

"Go and bother someone else, then." Tam looked at her, disgusted.

Stina rolled her eyes and turned to talk to Maruca.

"How'd you do that?" I asked Tam curiously.

"Do what?" Tam played dumb.

"You know, get Stina to listen to you? Are you guys related or something?"

He grinned. 

"Is this where you tell me she's actually your younger sister?" I laughed.

"Oh, well- Our parents are friends. We're not related, but Stina's kind of intimidated by me." Tam shrugged, trying not to look too proud of himself.

I giggled when I saw the look on Stina's face- She turned around and shot us both a death glare.

Then I saw Mr. Beckett pausing in his lecture and giving me -Yes, me, not Stina or Tam!- a pointed look. I attempted to keep a straight face and pretend I was listening, but it didn't really work so I ducked my head and flipped through the textbook, fooling him that I was reading along as he spoke.

"Miss Vacker, I suggest you actually listen and pay attention from now on- Otherwise, I think I'll be giving your parents a phone call." Mr. Beckett said icily and then immediately began to read again.

I groaned inwardly. I was so ready for this class to be over.

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